

04月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[找1个关于亲情的记叙文 200字左右]亲情,一个永恒的主题。正是这血浓于水的亲情,陪伴着我们走过每一个难忘的日子,谱写着我们多彩的人生。 透过那扇历史的窗户,我窥视,我看到了亲情,看到了那一幕幕关于过去、现在和...+阅读

This winter holiday is going to be over. But I have spent my holiday happily.I have known many things.There was the Chinese New Year . On that day,I was very excited. I looked forward to welcoming to Spring Festival for a long time.Spring Festival is a favorite of children a day.So I got up early.My relatives invited my family to their home. We went to our relatives' home by taxi.It took us half an hour to get their house. I was happy to see my cousins , uncles ,aunts and so on.My cousins and I played ball games together. We were pleasant. At night, we met in the living room. We ate dinner together.We ate a family reunion dinner . Finally, we waited for the new year.

That day was the most interesting than the other days.

I think I am going to be better than before.

I hope to a new school term.




my winter vacation

Many children are always looking forward to the winter vacation; this is because during the vacation, children needn't go to school; They can do everything they like, such as playing, watching TV, traveling, or even sleeping all the day and so on. and when winter vacation come on ,it means that spring festival will come on soon.I spent the whole day at home nearly every day, I played with my computer .I played computer games and surfed the internet. during the vacation ,I still stayed in touch with my classmates and my friends. I think I have been a potatoes mouse .During the spring festival, I visited my relatives ,and I got a lot of red bags. Even though my vacation was crazy and exciting, but I really learnt a lot. It was good for relaxing, and I am getting ready for the coming new term now. Good-bye, my winter vacation.

翻译:我的寒假许多孩子总是盼望着寒假。这是因为在这个假期间,孩子不用去学校,他们可以做任何他们喜欢做的。象:玩,看电视,旅游,或者睡上一整天等等。而且当寒假来临的时候,也意味着春节即将到来。我几乎整天都呆在家里,玩我的电脑。我玩电脑游戏和在网上冲浪。在寒假期间,我仍然和我的同学、朋友保持联系。我想我就快成“薯条鼠标”了。在春节期间,我拜访了我的亲人,而且我得到了很多红包。尽管我的假期是疯狂和兴奋的,但我的确学到了很多。这对放松是有好处的,我已经为即将到来的新学期做好了准备。再见!我的寒假。(“薯条鼠标”是指整天玩电脑,就只是吃点肯德基或其他junk food充饥的人


April, 20th Tuesday Clear After finished the homework, I decided to go for a movie. On the way to the movie theater, I saw a foreigner standing by the street looking very frustrated. So I walked toward him and asked what happened. But because of we both unable to understand each other's language, so instead, we used the sign and body language. As a result, he had been wanting to go to the People's Park but didn't know how to get there. I helped him called for a taxi and instructed the driver to the People's park. After that, I went to the theater.


My Chinese name is XU-XINYI, and my English name is Annie. I'm studying at hangzhou Yu-Cai Experimental school ,in Class 2,Grade 4. I like composition ,and I have learned a Children-reporter training course .I also like sports ,such as table-tennis ,swimming and badminton . My favourite colors are yellow and pink . I enjoy travel ,and I have visited a lot of landscape places.For eg,Hainan ,Nanjing ,Qingdao 你可要自己改名字!!~~


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