

04月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[金钱英语作文150字]【参考译文】:金钱能买来幸福吗?不同的人有不同的看法。有的人认为能,有的人则持相反的意见。 这是真的,有足够的钱可以买到他想要的所有物品,过上舒适、安全的生活。然而,同样真...+阅读

A Day in the Park

One day, mum and dad took me to the park. The sky was blue. The sun was warm.

We had a skipping race. I won. We had a ball race. Dad won. I saw a little squirrel. It climbed up a tree. I saw another squirrel. It was very cute. It was not afraid of me. We flew kites.

My kite was high. We played games. We had a picnic. There were some big ants in the tent. They wanted to eat my food. I gave them some biscuits. They were happy.

What a good day!


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☆☆ 祝你学习 ☆☆

★★ 进步 ★★

☆☆ ! ☆☆

★★ ★★

☆☆ ☆☆

★★ ★★



one day, an elephant named Jack wanted to go to visit his cousin living in the countryside. Jack decided to go there by train, so he went to the train station. To his disappointed, he could not get into the train because of his heavy and strong body. Jack had nothing to do but threw down the train driver. However, he found that he could not drive. In the end, he had to go there by foot. It took him a few days to arrive there


To be frank, maybe there is no effect on Beijing visitors, the outer visitors may suffer the great infulence. Because there may raise twice of the tourist price of them. So there are many people show their objection to it. On the other hand, the price rising can show the inner meaning of the world cultural relics and this kind of method to raise the price may pay them off.

I am of the opinion that the price should not be raised. If so, some people may not afford it and lose the chance to enjoy the world cultural relics.

典范英语in the garden续写作文


My life in the future In the future,I think I will work at home on the computer.I will live in an big apartment with my family,and we will fly to the moon on vacation.It is interesting!I think we will live to be 200 years,I hope it will come true.I think we will not have any illness.There will be many trees,so air will be better.I can not wait! My life in the future In ten years, I will be a reporter. I will work for a newspaper company. I think. I think I will meet lot of interesting people and amazing things. I will live in beijing with my parents. we ...


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