

02月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[金钱英语作文150字]【参考译文】:金钱能买来幸福吗?不同的人有不同的看法。有的人认为能,有的人则持相反的意见。 这是真的,有足够的钱可以买到他想要的所有物品,过上舒适、安全的生活。然而,同样真...+阅读

The desserts shop's advertisement

I think that it can draw one cup in the right below.At first,You can recommend to some drinks,special drinks,write in the black board.At second,you can recommend to some set meals,looks like France people will recommend one Macalon get one black coffee,and you can get one humbuger,this is the first set meal.At third,the second set meal,you can put the Kaiser chicken rolls,you can get one cup of soft drink.It's good to your health.You also need notice to the black board's write colour,you should be at match.

To know Hong Kong dessert, big good eight remember must make their mark. This shop history can be traced back to the 1940 s guangzhou, founded the per capita uncle was already in guangzhou have two dessert shop, because he is a great lover, shunde, in the home ranked eighth, so called big good eight remember. Later, in the 1950 s closing, come to Hong Kong to toss a few job, finally in the 80 s find a good partner, decided to restart the industry, big good eight remember signs to rescue dawn. Now it has become of the old Hong Kong, kelly and cardinal signs very grab an eye, the environment clean and bright, in addition to the locals outside, also deeply welcome Japanese tourists.

One of the distinctive features of old, is JingGui food choices, so the dessert is only ten paragraph of paste class desserts have accounted for half, like almond paste, walnut paste, sesame seed paste and so on. The most unique, wants to count it pioneering coconut paste, fresh coconut shreds and coconut meat ground into juice, and hybrid rice milk boil thick paste. Program looks be like simple, actually very spend time, because coconut shreds may only a small amount of grinding, or grinding machine can't smooth operation, make the process becomes heavy and complicated. In order to adhere to the daily fresh system, coconut paste on Sunday only supply above cheesecakes are available while stocks last.


Time gose by,sweets become a fashion in recent years. For kids,they are fresh to the taste,it leave them a fantastic feeling. For adults,they are fond of the experance when they are young.It's right,no body never recall their past,for their child-time specially!It means that the favor of sweets is from their childhood. attention,in the first place,we never forget a point is that decayed teeth!After having a wonderful sweet meal,no matter who you are,one thing you can not pass is brushing your teeth!


I like strawberry cake very much.So,today I will make strawberry cake:1. Will be spread on the baking pan with baking, and then into the oven heat to 18 degrees in advance.

2. 25 g 25 g strong flour, corn flour, baking soda 1/4 spoon after each sieve stir well placed aside.

3. Remove cream material of lemon cheese moisture to around 180 g.

4. The egg yolks, sugar bowl. Pour into a clean steel to heating of the heat water sufficient sent till mixture thickens

5. Add milk and A step 2 processed material, fully mixing evenly. Add baking pan and temperature at 180 degrees bake for 12 minutes.

6. Cooled cake from the pan.

7. The cream to lie between water cooling way sent to foam. After adding sugar into 8-9 portions slowly sent evenly. Add vanilla extract.

8. Wash the strawberries to head, leaving only 2-3.

9. Step 7 treated cream evenly on the cake, and lay up strawberry.

10. Placed in the refrigerator 20-30 minutes decorated cake surface with the rest of the cream. Strawberries and mint on the shop then sent into the refrigerator 20-30 minutes, can be completed.



he eggs with fresh mango acyclovir watermelon raw material: the watermelon ball honey, fu at the end of the Mercedes, lemon juice, egg yolk 40 grams, 100 g sugar, mango paste 75 grams, liquor approach: 1. The ball will dig with watermelon dig into the ball. 2. Honey, liquor, fu at the end of the Mercedes and lemon juice mix together. 3. Join watermelon ball, for few hours or overnight. 4. Egg yesterday: will peel mangoes, sugar into sauce, then filter. 5. Mango sauce, egg yolks and liquor mix together into the bowl. 6. In a pot to boil some water, will be placed in the pot to bowl. 7. Use blender mixing to smooth and fluffy. 8. Put a watermelon place martini glass. 9. Fast to the egg to come in on the ball poured watermelon, immediately out of food. Error correction point: remember, the bowl must be placed in a pot of boiled, steamed egg as the principle, or eggs will setting like scrambled eggs, no artistic feeling at all. 芒果蛋昔配新鲜西瓜 原料:西瓜球蜂蜜、芙茜末、柠檬汁、蛋黄40克、糖100克、芒果酱75克、白酒 做法: 1.用挖球器将西瓜挖成球。

2.将蜂蜜、白酒、芙茜末和柠檬汁拌在一起。 3.加入西瓜球,腌制几小时或过夜。 4.蛋昔:将芒果去皮,加糖打成酱,然后过滤。 5.芒果酱、蛋黄和白酒拌在一起放入碗中。 6.在一个锅中煮些水,将碗置于锅内。 7.用搅拌器搅拌到光滑和蓬松。 8.将西瓜放置马提尼杯中。 9.快速地将蛋昔浇在西瓜球上,立即出菜。 纠错点: 切记,这个碗必须放在水煮开的锅子里,就像蒸蛋的原理,否则蛋会凝结得像炒蛋,毫无艺术感可言。


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