

03月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急求英语短文!自我介绍的50字左右]Hello, I am a sixth grade elementary student, I am the joyful Geminigirl, this year 13 years old. Must ask our family has how many members, I can say: Four. Bes...+阅读

My deskmateMy deskmate is a man of humor, always can bring laughter to us

anytime and anywhere. Smiling face and concentrated small eyes, let us see the

always laugh, born optimist let he is fearless in the face of all difficulties.

I very like my deskmate我的同桌我的同桌是个幽默的人,总是随时随地可以为我们带来欢笑。爱笑的脸加上聚光的小眼睛,让我们看了总是忍不住笑,天生的乐天派让他在一切困难面前都无所畏惧。我十分喜欢我的同桌


My destmate is Jack . He is tall and tender . He writes faster than me ,but he often asks me how to answer the maths questions , and I like to help him .

我的同桌叫杰克, 他人高大,脾气温和。 他写字比我快,但他经常会问题哦一些数学问题,我也很乐意帮助他。

We are good friends . We share with one another our stories books ,games ,catoon cards etc.


I also like to play jokes on him .Sometimes he laughs , and he will quarrel with me even beat me if he could not bear it .

我也喜欢开他的玩笑。 有时他会大笑,如果他不能忍受,也会和我吵架甚至打我。

Last friday ,I told him one story about the ghost who looks like Jack with tall body and I walked slowly to his back ,and attaked him ,he falled down on the ground . He became angrily and cried with tear ,then he jumped and beated me very fast ,I falled down also .

上礼拜五,我给他讲一个鬼故事,一边讲那个鬼长得有jack那样的高个子,一边走到他背后,捅了他一拳,他倒在地上。 他顿时生气了,哭出眼泪来,接着就“刷”地跳起来,给我一拳,我也倒在地上了。

I was so astonished about him ,but I said sorry to him ,and then we reading the ghost story together that day .



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