

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以月光下的遐想写一篇800字作文]一晚,望着天空零零散散的星与比路灯还耀眼的月,我拉着亲朋好友们借散步之名来到县镇府广场赏月。 长辈们盘腿坐在此时看起来极其幽青的草坪上,大道旁路灯的照耀为草儿们镶上了...+阅读

Why Living off Campus Is Popular ?

Nowadays , Living off Campus gains it popularity.More and more college students are keen on renting houses and living off campus .There are many reasons accounting for this phenomenon .

First of all ,college students are required to learn so many subjects each semester ,while school dormitories are often too noisy to study. In order to study in peaceful conditions and make the study more efficient,many students choose to live outside camp.

Secondly, many students believe that living off campus can make them be more independent, with more privacy,which Living off campus gives them freedom from those dorm rules and allows them to set their own.

In addition ,some students choose to live outside the campus with the purpose of enjoying a better living environment.

As far as I am concerned , Living off Campus has both advantages and disadvantages .

Living off Campus means more freedom in your life style and you can do all you want to do without worrying to be punished.

However, the fees of off-campus housing is more expensive than on-campus housing's.

second, living on campus, you don't have to worry about monthly rent payments and utility bills,while living outside you should take all these factors into account .

third, you separate from the main stream,that means you may miss a lot of class activities and school practice, making you have few topics to talk with your calssmates which will let you feel a little lonely.

In a word,whether to Live off Campus should depend on you.if you want to ,there are many excuses waiting for you.if you want not , all the difficulties are not questions.



以月光下的遐想为题目写一篇600字的作文月光下的遐想 柔和的月光将身体探进了窗内,一切都显得那么宁谧,失去了白天的喧嚣,独有这美丽的夜才能使人舒展身心。机器停止了运作,商店停止了营业,人们停止了工作,此时仿佛还隐...

关于月光下的遐想作文600字同样的月光,同样的夜晚,同样的寂寞,却让我思绪不断,想到了同好友一起数星星、看月亮…… 我躺在床上,透出窗子,看到了那朦胧而又清晰的月光,透着树影的摇晃,映在窗子上,像是镶了一层...


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求一篇以月光下的遐想为题的600字作文谢谢月圆之夜,天上的明月皎洁,月光从 树梢上轻轻洒落下来,晶晶闪闪,分外美 丽。就这样静静的坐在朦胧的月色中,感 受着夜的宁静,感受着月光的温馨,而我 的思绪不禁遐想起来。 乘着时空...


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