

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[请求帮忙修改一篇6级考试英语作文]The way to success There is a famous remark said by Abraham Lincoln,"Give me six hours to chop down a tree,and I will spend the the first four sharpeing the axe....+阅读

Mrs Wang:

I really want to express my gratutide to you.When I was studying in the school,you always helped me and you would never be bored. At that time my English was indeed poor ,you dramatically handed me out of the depression.One day, I was disappointed,and you said to me that whatever I would be in the future,I should be happy from the cradle to the grave.Now my English is still poor,but I keep on reading English every day.When I am faced with difficult problems,I will always deal with them with a good attitude.The final exam is coming,and I will try to embrace it happily.I will never forget what you have said to be happy every day.

Yours sincerely




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