

03月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求一篇关于相互关爱的作文谢谢大家了!]人与人之间本来就有一种隔阂,但是有些人互相关爱,让他们更加亲近、和谐、还记得那一天发生的事…… 那天,要数学考试。离考试还有五分钟的时候,我再一次检查我的文具盒,看看文具...+阅读

My travel plans

My travel plans are many,I tell you my favorite travel plan,is go to huang shan to play.First I by cable car to light top,on their way to see the beautiful scenery.

When I top down from the light is not choose by cable car,but choose to walk down the mountain.Because in the way I can enjoy the beautiful scenery,and streams than who run fast.Though very tired,but I can enjoy the beautiful scenery.




My Travel Plan--01

I have a travel plan. I'm going to be in the Shaihai from January eighteenth to the twenty-fifth. I'm going to buy some clothes and books.I'm going to be in the Chouzhou from January twenty-sixth to the thirty-first. I'm going to visit my grandma . I'm going to be in the Guangzhou from February first to the fifteenth. I'm going to Disney Land.

My Travel Plan--02

My father and I have a travel paln. We will go to Australia this winter. We will have a great time. First day, we are going to Sydney Opera House. I think It is very beautiful and there are many visitors. And then we will visit Sydney Bridge. It is really long and grand. At the end of the day, we are going to Sydney Harbour. We will very happy. We can eat some famous snacks. They must be delicous. What a wonderful travel paln!


I want a trip in the summer vacation.

My hope with you together trip.

We are the best friend.

You can't brush-off.

We are at down stairs in your house meet in Sunday.

Must take good money, paper, pen and telescope.

Our targets are a JiuZaiGou

Hope you work well preparation.

Don't let my disappointment .

Sunday see.



以旅游见闻为题写一篇作文啊!今天是个多么令人兴奋和激动的日子呀!我们马上就要和龙头滩说你好啦!我做好了充分的准备,就等到龙头滩大饱眼福了! 我们全家来到码头,买好了票,一起坐船往龙头滩前进。 呀!这一路...

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