

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语作文关于介绍澳大利亚的]Australia Australia, the largest country in Oceania, lies on the south coast of the Pacific. It covers an area of 7.6 million square kilometers. It has a popula...+阅读

Your application for admission to my love has been given careful consideration. I regret to advise you that I am unable to offer you admission and realize this news will be a disappointment to you. Due to restrictions of the law (one husband & one wife) and time support, I must sometimes refuse even highly qualified applicants. Thank you for your interest in my love. I wish you every success in your future ende


英语作文我想去澳大利亚I am a senior high school student, studying in PingBa JiSheng Middle School . I study hard at school, and respect the teachers.My biggest dream is to go to Aust...


作文我最想去的地方一澳大利亚750字今天我终于踏上了这个世界上最大的大陆岛-----美丽广阔的澳大利亚,从悉尼机场出发到我舅舅家需要一个小时的路程,坐在车上,我不停地欣赏着沿途美丽的风光 ,澳大利亚真美啊,我好像...

澳大利亚的著名景观简介中英文对照版简介150字左右大堡礁 Great Barrier Reef.它是澳大利亚东北海岸3000多个珊瑚岛礁的总称,纵向分布于离岸16至240公里的海上,沿昆士兰海岸连绵2000多公里,是世界上最大的活珊瑚礁群。 悉尼歌剧...

寒假旅游计划英语作文Last winter holiday, I went to Harbin with my mother. It's very cold in winter. There is snow and ice everywhere and you are always in a white world. You must w...
