

12月23日 编辑 39baobao.com


A friend is a person who can let you feel warm when you are depressed.So I have many friends.But Tom is my best friend.He is as old as me.He taller than me.Basketball is his favorite sport.We are in the same class.He is good at study.So his study is very good.We learn from each other and help each other.He will help me if i got in trouble.I will help he as much as I can. I hope our friendship will forever and ever.

朋友是能让您感到温暖的人,当您是沮丧的时候。因此我有许多朋友。但是Tom是我的最好的朋友。他和我年龄一样。他比我高。篮球是他喜爱的体育。我们是在同班。他善于学习。因此他的成绩是非常好。我们从彼此学习并且互相帮助。如果我有麻烦,他将帮助我。如果他有,我也会帮助他。 我希望我们的友谊永远持续下去。

John is the most diligent student in our class. He is one of my friends. As a matter of fact, he gets along with his classmates. He might spend just five to ten minutes talking to you once in a long while, but he talks with enthusiasm and energy, and he likes to share his thinking and ideas with you. He is honest; he does not like to waste his time and energy. He never appears sleepy and tired in the classroom. He always hands in homework on time and also does well in his examinations, yet he has time practicing playing football and his violin skill. I admire him. I hope I can be as diligent as he is; John is persistent, attentive, and energetic. John是我们班上最勤奋的学生。他也是我的一个朋友。实际上,他和班上的同学相处的都很融洽。也许过好长时间他才只是花5分钟或10分钟和你聊天,但是他的谈话充满了活力和热情,而且他喜欢和你分享他的思想和想法。他是诚实的,他不会无谓的浪费他的时间和精力。在教室里,他从没有显得困倦或是疲惫。他常常会按时交作业,考试中也会取得好成绩,然而他仍会有时间踢足球和练小提琴。我羡慕他,我希望自己能象他那样勤奋。John是个执着、专注、充满活力的人。


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