

02月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求四级英语作文通用模板]现象解释型模板一 1.Recently,__________. 2.What amaze us most is_________. 3.It is true that_________. 4.There are many reasons explaining_________. 5.The main r...+阅读

hort sentences have a sense of rhythm, read melodious, reading between the lines, still contain a rich emotion. have great originality. The according to visit order, the first to write smaLiu Zongyuan, who took part in the movement to features, meticulous description. This travelogue depicting the scene to seize the characteristics of both, Xiao face, came the God, in order to give the readers a vivid impression, vivid. Such as write Tan southwest side of the stream,


写作要提高积累是关键。要积累就要多看多练多模仿。所以必须进行一定量的写作实践,包括背诵、模仿和创作。 首先你得背诵【红宝书】考研英语写作---(图画+话题)180篇里一些经典的、典型的范文(最好是与考纲要求相一致的文章),力求在背诵和研读的过程中培养出良好的语感,探索出英文写作的一般规律。 其次是模仿。在具备一定写作知识储备的前提下尝试进行写作,这一点非常重要,是写作复习过程中不可逾越的阶段。 一定要勤于动笔,不要觉得应该能写出来,因为实践与想象有很大的差距,只有当你写出来的时候,你才会发现原来要很好地表达一句话并不是一件很容易的事,你还有很多地方需要改进和了解。细节之处见真功,说的就是这个道理。 最后是创作,个人认为考生只要能做到前两点就足以应对考试了。

最笨的方法往往是最有效的。突破写作,请从背诵和模仿开始。 大家之所以用【红宝书】考研英语写作---(图画+话题)180篇,因为本书是第一本以图画和话题形式编著的考研英语写作,本书的最大特点是简洁明了、注重高效、强调实战。并使考生抓住考研英语写作的命题思想、掌握写作规律,在较短时间内快速提高英语写作应考能力,为在考研写作中获取高分奠定坚实的基础。


115 Some people believe that students should be given one long vacation each year. Others believe that students should have several short vacations throughout the year. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. I like the idea of students having several short vacations throughout the year. I'm a working parent with two school-age children. Every summer I have to come up with a plan for keeping my children safe and entertained for three months, while my husband and I are at work. Summer camps are expensive, and finding the one your children will enjoy can be a challenge. Getting rid of that one long vacation would make life a lot easier. Having several shorter vacations would also make it easier to schedule vacations. My husband and I both work in small offices with other working parents. All of us need vacation time during the same three months. This is hard on our businesses and our careers. We also find that wherever we go in the summer, it's crowded. It would be nice to go places throughout the year and find smaller crowds. I'm sure the attractions themselves would like that better, too. It would be better for the economy to spread things out, too. I think my children would be more focused on their students if their vacation time was divided up throughout the year. The final month of the school year, they're just not paying attention. They've been in school for nine long months and they don't have a lot of energy. Plus , they're anticipating vacation time. If vacations were throughout the year, they would concentrate better on studies. Of course, many older school buildings aren't air-conditioned, because usually people aren't there during the hottest months. That might be a problem, I think, though, that new air-conditioning would be worth the cost. During the last few weeks of summer, my children are bored with their long vacation. I doubt that would happen if there were several vacations throughout the year.



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