
求红字英文简介 150字左右 !

02月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[公主日记1或2的英文简介]公主日记英文剧情介绍: A socially awkward but very bright 15-year-old girl being raised by a single mom discovers that she is the princess of a small European cou...+阅读

The Scarlet Letter makes Hawthorne who is a famous American writer known all over the world. The story begins in 17th century, Boston, then a puritan settlement. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne used the scarlet letters to symbolize the harshness of Puritan society, showing how they branded sinners for life. Although Puritan society is unforgiving towards the sinful scarlet letter, their strictness improved the bearers of the sin. The scarlet letter was also an example of how Puritan society will always remember the sin. “When strangers looked curiously at the scarlet letter-and none failed to do so, they branded it afresh into Hester's soul.” A letter “A” but freshly green, instead of scarlet was created by her, showing how Hawthorne made a jest at the punishment Puritans put upon Hester. And the scarlet letter was also a toy to Pearl, something that she enjoyed. Hawthorne uses the scarlet letter to depict his feelings of the exaggerated emotions of the puritans and their overly dramatic punishments. I also find the symbolism in this novel is used quite skillful. The technique he uses makes his novel more artistic. Next, I will talk about Hawthorne and this novel.


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