

01月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于森林防火的演讲稿要长点的啊谢谢]——同一片蓝天,共爱一个家园 地球是人类生存的家园,是人类的母亲,森林被喻为地球之“肺”之美称!爱护每一片绿叶,保护每一棵绿树是我们公民以及小学生应尽的义务。 21世纪是我国...+阅读

The so-called English speech, which means you need to have a speech by english, english is the most wild using language in the world, and it is the official language in the United Nations, there are differences between english speech and chinese speech, while in china, if you speak english, some people may not understand why you saying, and they probobly knock their heads while you making speech to make them look like they understand you very well, in fact, they have no idea what you are talking about. If you want to abuse someone, it's a good choice that you speak english, because they may don't understand you while if you speak chinese, they would definitely throw you eggs.


速求一篇森林防火演讲稿记得小时候,我还不认识“防”字,因此,我总是把“森林防火”读成“森林放火”,弄得妈妈哭笑不得。我不知道妈妈在笑什么,一脸茫然地望着她。妈妈给我讲了一个故事: 从前,有一只小狗...


关于防火的演讲稿一、森林火灾的危害 森林火灾是森林最危险的敌人,也是林业最可怕的灾害,它会给森林带来最有害,具有毁灭性的后果。森林火灾不只是烧毁成片的森林,伤害林内的动物,而且还降低森林...

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