

04月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[圣诞老人,感谢你初三圣诞节作文500字]在报纸上看见一个圣诞老人,爱画画的我一看,便觉得灵感大发,一眼看去觉得很困难,但对我来说是小菜一碟。 我耐心地画着,只见圣诞老人头戴红帽子,身穿红棉袄,脚穿大黑靴。最引人注意...+阅读

Dear 某人,I was very pleased to come join the Christmas party at your house. You gave me a very good impression as I came into your house, with lights and decorations, hanging from the ceiling and out to the windows. I felt warm and peaceful although I wasn't in my own hometown. That night was lovely and memeroble, full of laughters and tears, both of happiness and truth. I hope we have another meet some time soonThanks,


Dear teacher,(或者用Dear Ms+女老师的姓) Thank you very much for teaching me English.(如果这个女老师教的是其他科目,就自己修改下)I like your lessons because you can teaching the subject enjoyably. The time in your class always goes so quickly. I never feel bored of your class. You can also make a difficult question easy to understand by us. You always try your best to teach us well. The knowledge learned from you is endless. Thank you for taking care of me. You are not only my teacher,but also my close friend. Whenever I have difficulties or I am down,you will stand out to help me and encourage me,doing everything you can to cheer me up. A friend in deed is a friend in need. I sincerely thank you for helping me so much. Christmas is coming. I wish you a merry Christmas!In the coming year,I wish you good health and good luck in everything. I will graduate from school one day,however,I will never forget your kindness. You are my teacher forever. Your student: December 24,2015...


Dear Miss X / X sir:It's christmas, and you have beening help me so much in this year, your kind and your strict request helps me to be a good student. Now i sincercely sent you my best wish: wish you merry christmas and happy new year~!Healty and happy forever! your student:XX亲爱的XX老师:圣诞节到了,谢谢你这一年来给我的帮助,你的热心和严格的要求帮助我成为一名优秀学生,我忠诚的祝福你:圣诞快乐!新年快乐!健康快乐到永远! 您的学生:XX...



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