

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[第一次去海上游泳小考作文400字]今天,我在书房收拾东西。忽然,翻出了以前的相册,看到一张在沙滩的照片,令我情不自禁的想起了第一次到海里游泳的情景。 那一年我7岁,在一个风和日丽的下午,我和爸爸妈妈去海上游泳...+阅读

My new school My life turns another page as I enter into a new school. My new school has a big cafeteria, a place for us to have meals. There are residence halls for students to live in. The school is not so large,but the teachers and students in the school are very kindy .There are many activities on campus, such as basketball club, science club, badminton club and disciplinary team. Ithe school is not so large,but teachers and students in the school are very kindly . am so excited to be a part of this new student body since I love to play basketball. I will join the team and be an active member and contribute greatly to the team. I love my new school. I cannot wait to start my new life.


详解2016何凯文考研英语作文预测第一篇如何去写例文 Fireworks and firecrackers outside the window, and, the traditional year haven't finished; But the calendar on the wall that has been to the March 1. Not c...


第一次去看病的经历英语作文60单词Last Friday afternoon, when I was playing football with my friends, it began to rain. We were so interested in playing that nobody was willing to go back home....

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学校冬天第一次大扫除作文550字一年一度的大扫除就要来了。这天,天气出奇的好,同学们也早早来到了教室。老师为大家安排好了各自的任务。就要开始大显身手了,我别提有多兴奋。 老师一安排好每个小组的任务,宣...

作文700字巜第一次去外地旅游给我的启示我经历过很多第一次,如第一次骑自行车、第一次自己上学、第一次值日等等,但给我留下印象最深的是第一次做饭。 暑假里的一天清晨,爸爸去打网球不在家,妈妈上夜班没回来。我晨读...

写学校的英语作文My School I study in the ***school.It has three grades and thirty-two classes. It is not big but very beautiful. In the center of the school there is a new teac...
