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[根据以下要求写一篇外贸英语函电作文急求谢谢]Address: 24 Rena Boulevard, Sydney, Australia Tel: 61-2-95471827 Fax: 61-2-95467887 To: Kalas International Ltd. (importer) Date:******* Subject: PO#wt517---mic...+阅读

例文 Fireworks and firecrackers outside the window, and, the traditional year haven't finished; But the calendar on the wall that has been to the March 1. Not completely accurate news this year one's deceased father grind time is 2015 on December 26th and 27th; Such a full and a total of three hundred days; It is time to start. To walk through together this is our fourth year, I have just had reviewed 2013 one's deceased father grind the first sentence, did not say anything in the beginning, is the direct "2013 one's deceased father grind English daily a first sentence". In the beginning, some people say that I just show, I insist on not down. Said I didn't refute, others also pretty reasonable, adhere to is, after all, it's really hard to one of the things I want to let time to prove it, one year, two years, three years, a total of 956 days, not a day break, I did it! With watching me carefully selected sentences and students sign in every day, I really can be proud to think I am a general, with his iron legion killing the youth should some colorful at dawn, we need to do is to insist! A new journey, the young friends, let's work together! I believe that the so-called life, is persistence! Today's sentence from this year the economist first articles, article discuss that experts and local herdsmen Yellowstone's debate over two kinds of animals, seemingly pure economic pure science research, the court debate, the actual underlying is both sides respective complex moral position and interests. Justin Farrell's Yellowstone war "pointed out the augean stables of American politics, rather than to their own truth into someone else's throat difficult business, more than understanding, seek common ground while shelving differences.


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