

02月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

埃森哲咨询(Accenture)。 埃森哲(Accenture)是全球领先的管理及信息技术咨询机构,2003财政年度纯收入达118亿美元。拥有约95,000多名员工,在全球48个国家和地区设有110多家分支机构。 埃森哲一向以出众的领导能力、成功决心、专业服务和质量承诺在客户中享有盛誉。《财富》100强中的86家、《财富》500强中超过半数都是我们的客户。而且在前100名客户中,有80多家连续5年都是埃森哲的长期客户。


Accenture公司简介 Accenture是全球领先的管理和资讯科技顾问公司,年营业额达114 亿美元. Our Mission: To help our clients create their future Our Vision: To become one of the world's leading companies, bringing innovations to improve the way the world works and lives Benefit to ClientAccenture FY2001 revenues of $11.4 billion; 18 percent average annual growth over the past ten years. More than 75,000 professionals in 46 countries. Serves more than 4,000 clients on nearly 18,000 engagements over the past five years. Significant investment in R&D ($588 million in 1999) and training ($595 million in 1999). Globally linked by the Accenture KnowledgeXchange-knowledge management system. Working with 91% of the Fortune Global 100 (magazine's) largest public companies and 140 ventures and dot-com co's. We are a healthy, dynamic firm with growth and the capability to meet all of client's needs. We operate as one unified firm and can provide client with a strong team of ERP, Change Management, and industry professionals. Our highly skilled people will assist client in minimizing risk and achieving value. We will make our deep software and industry thought leadership available to you. We bring the best intellectual capital to our clients, focusing on leading-edge solutions. In addition, we apply a collaborative, issue- driven working style. We have hands-on experience with large- scale, complex enterprise change. 3 Accenture, All Rights Reserved Accenture业务简介 Accenture不断致力於自我超越以满足客户全方位的需求—谘询顾问,资讯科技,委 外服务,策略联盟与创投. 谘询顾问 Accenture发展出一套周全的谘询方法,引导客户在企业当中,从高阶层策略规划到客户服务,乃至日常营运 流程,能够从每一个层面向上提升.这套方法由Accenture企业育成中心与企业谘询服务所建构,包含策略与 企业结构,顾客关系管理,供应链管理,人力绩效及财务绩效管理. 资讯科技 从企业决定切入的市场到使用的系统,及员工所需的技能,资讯科技巩固企业所作的每一项决策.Accenture的 解决方案工程服务拥有科技研究暨创新服务,全球解决方案中心,与Accenture人员的专业科技,每天对客户 提供以科技为本的解决方案. 委外服务 不管是透过传统的委外形式—藉资讯科技部门的管理与营运以提供长期价值,或是应用网路委外(net sourcing)—新经济时代以网路为基础的委外模式,Accenture致力於运用商业与科技,为全世界数以百计的企 业提供生命周期解决方案,以及最终的利润. 策略联盟 今天企业所面临的挑战艰难复杂,要靠深厚的学识与先进的科技才能解决.在Accenture,我们与各个领域的 领先业者及新兴科技公司结盟,以快速地针对客户的个别问题提出多种解决方案. 创投 我们的全球创投组织Accenture Technology Ventures (旧称AC Ventures)与创业家携手合作,共同建构能改造 产业,并创造丰硕经济报酬的成功企业.去年,Accenture Technology Ventures投资逾2亿美元帮助五十多家 新经济新兴企业,帮助他们成为明日的全球领先企业.
