[求一篇关于科技的英语作文]Science and technology have changed our life thoroughly throughout the history, especially in the last century. There is a prevailing understanding about scienc...+阅读
2、军训结束后进入日常生活。 大一的学生有一个“三早”活动,每个星期有固定的两天要7点到操场集合做操,至于是哪两天要看你属于哪个学院了,如果下雨就不用三早了哦耶
4、上课的作息时间的话,有夏季和冬季两种,夏季是从五一后开始,下午2:30上课,6点放学,冬季的是下午2点开始上课,5:30放学。 上午的话,夏季和冬季都是8点上课,11:50放学。 (大一的课还蛮多的呢~~所以一开始感觉也没有很轻松的说····)刚开学的活动啊·····军训时候有蛮多活动的····拉歌啊什么的,隔几天会去中操的光谷体育馆听领导讲话···军训结束有一个校级的迎新晚会,还蛮好看的呢~(光谷体育馆挺气派的了,方大同啊陈绮贞啊都来过开演唱会,十月份还有林宥嘉要来,想看!)军训期间各个组织都会招新,校广播台,学院的学生会,校学生会,记者团,社团联合会,···等等等,选一两个自己喜欢的加入吧!可以认识很多有意思的人的!我是广播台的,超爱!欢迎哦!O(∩_∩)O其实大家都是什么都不大懂的去上大学的,不用担心哦!学长学姐还有同学老师都很友善的,相信你肯定能很快习惯学校的生活!加油!然后就是,欢迎进入华中科技大学~!!。
英语作文:科技关于科技的英语作文: Science and technology have changed our life thoroughly throughout the history, especially in the last century. There is a prevailing underst...
求一篇关于科技的英语作文 160字左右The Internet enables us to improve communication, erase physical barriers, and expand our education. Its absorption into our society has been extraordinary. The...
写几篇科技的英语作文Modern technology makes life more convenient; tools are the milestores of the technology as well as human being' s progress. Men used to cut trees with hand saw...
有关科技领域的英语作文The development of science and technology makes our life more comfortable and convenient. However, scientists have created many problems, which are not easy to...
科技作文英文的First,John von Neumann proposed that the program reside in the computer's memory where it could be changed at will.W.Presper Eckert,Jr.,of the University of Pen...
求有关科技的英语作文一篇The development of science and technology makes our life more comfortable and convenient. However, scientists have created many problems, which are not easy to...
求科技英语范文Microwave and our life This article is about the electromagnetic wave. For the cooking appliance, see Microwave oven. For other uses, see Microwaves (disambigua...
关于高科技的英语作文1)Modern transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey smooth and fast. With the help of modern transportation, people can go everywh...