

11月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思作文经典例句]1. ______________ is known as one of the most serious problems in today’s society. We can see it almost everywhere. As the graph depicts, ______________ . 2. F...+阅读


You are asked to write a remendation letter for someone you know well. Say who you are, how you got to know him or her, and why he or she is worth your remendation. (推荐信)


Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm writing to remend to you the outstanding personality of Miss Jiang Junlei.



I got to know Miss Jiang in 2002 while I was giving a placement test to a group of candidates who applied to our daytime English Intensive Training Program. It happened that she was in the group and she impressed me greatly with her friendly and lovely smile throughoutthe test. In the following year, while I was anizing a summer camp program with the participation of about 600 high school students ing from all parts of China, I immediately thought of her. The reason was very simple: she is kind, friendly, patient, helpful and loving, thus well suiting a position as class teacher. Besides, she had some experience in hospital nursing which made my choice of her more reasonableand she proved to me as well as to all my colleagues at the camp that my decision was just too perfect. In fact, I was quite surprised by her interpersonalmunication skills with both the students and their parents though she was very young herself at the time.


After the summer camp, she told me that she would go to either Britain or Ireland to study for her bachelor's degree. I wished her all the best and there she went. We he kept in touch regularly since then through e-mails. Last May, when she broke for the summer vacation, she came to my new department, Onlytoya IELTS &TOEFL Training Centre, to help me with some management and student consulting work. She drafted three cooperation agreements for me, wrote a dozen articles that we used on our website, ge numerous placement tests to our students, and ge an open lecture on studying and living in Ireland to about 400 Toya students. She was very well accepted by all Toya staff members and our students as well and became, indeed, an indispensableassistant to me. Something well worth mentioning from my academic perspective as professor in English linguistics and American literature is that her English was fluent and accurate, which convinced me that she is all quick to learn anything new. She told me that she often helps do quite some anization work at her university and at the Chinese Embassy in Ireland and had done a lot of treling in Europe. Obviously, these experiences he greatly broadened her vision and enriched her life, making such a valuable asset in every field of work she is going to perform.



All in all, it is both my pleasure and honorto write this remendation letter for Miss Jiang and I guarantee the truthfulness of all that I he said about her.


Should you he any further inquiries, please feel free to contact me either by e-mail or phone at the following address and number:……


Truly yours,

Gao Shengchang (Kenny Gao)

高胜长(Kenny Gao)


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