

11月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思G类书信经典:问询信1]题目:You wish to immigrate to a country but are not sure about the requirements and applicationprocedure. Write a letter to the immigration officer of this coun...+阅读

Everyone plains about taxes, yet think about what would happen if there were no longer an ine tax. In a 250-word essay, discuss the positive effects of an ine tax, the negative effects, or both.

It hurts to look at a paycheck and see how much of it was taken out for ine tax. That money could he paid some important bills. It is easy to dream of doing away with the ine tax and keeping all that money for ourselves.

If there were no ine tax, however, the government would he a lot less to spend. The money we send to Washington seems to fall into a black hole and disappear. Actually, though, many people depend on it. The money pays the salaries of government employees, who provide services from drug c

ontrol to highway building. It supports our military defense. Also, much of the money is returned to people in the form. of student loans, veterans' benefits, and payments to farmers, for example. The government has been working to cut its budget lately. With every cut, someone plains loudly.

So if the ine tax were eliminated, other taxes would he to make up for it. Paying those other taxes would also hurt. Sales taxes fall most heily on poor people. Taxes on manufacturers only result in higher prices to consumers.

Ine taxes are not fun to pay. But doing without them would be worse. In my opinion, ine taxes should be made as fair as possible. Then we each must "bite the bullet" and do our share.


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