

03月19日 编辑 39baobao.com


教学中故事1.教师要写自己认为有重要意义的教学经历或教学故事,即要有选择性,典型性,不要事无巨细都罗列进去,要围绕中心问题进行选择。并不是说所有的事件都可以成为案例,要善于捕捉教学过程中的“亮点”。 2.应根据以往的经历撰写案例,尽量保持案例中资料的真实性,使读者有身临其境的感觉。可以到案例的主体即学生那是去询问、调查他们的真实感受。 3.教学案例与其它的教学作品有区别性。 与教学论文相比,教学案例在文体和表达方式上以记录为目的,以记叙为主,兼有议论和说明;在思维方式上,是一个从具体到抽象的过程,通过对生动的教学“故事”的描述,通过对具体的学生、老师心理感受的描述,反思、总结教学的利弊得失。...


Ghost: I'm a ghost. I'm hungry.Haha,so many foods!



Ghost: Look at the elephant.It's walking.看那大象,它在走。

Ghost: Elephant, elephant,I want to eat you!大象,大象,我要吃了你! Elephant: Oh, no!Walking,walking,I'm walking.Bye-bye!



Ghost: Look at the bird.It's flying. 看那小鸟,它在飞。

Ghost: Bird, bird,I want to eat you! 小鸟,小鸟,我要吃了你!

Bird: Oh, no!Flying,flying,I'm flying. Bye-bye!



Ghost: Look at the rabbit.It's jumping. 看那兔子,它在跳。

Ghost: Rabbit, rabbit,I want to eat you! 兔子,兔子,我要吃了你!

Rabbit: Oh, no!Jumping,jumping,I'm jumping. Bye-bye!



Ghost: Look at the fish.It's swimming. 看那鱼,它在游。

Ghost: Fish, fish,I want to eat you! 鱼,鱼,我要吃了你!

Fish: Oh, no!Swimming,swimming,I'm swimming. Bye-bye!



Ghost: Look at the tiger.It's running. 看那老虎,它在跑。

Ghost: Tiger, tiger,I want to eat you! 老虎,老虎,我要吃了你!

Tiger: Oh, no!Running,running,I'm running. Bye-bye!


Ghost: Oh no!I'm very hungry!


An Unforgettable Challenge

When I was ten years old, I began to chat with foreigners. But I was very shy. Gradually, I became more and more confident with foreigners' help. The following year, I went to Yangzhou with two foreigners. I became their guide. First, we came into the Shouxi River. They wanted to look around the river by boat. I told them the price. Then we got into the boat. When we looked out at the sight, we all felt very beautiful. After that, they went to buy souvenirs. The sellers couldn't speak English. Though it was very hard, I tried my best to listen to their words carefully and translate the sentences. They bought some souvenirs with my help. Next, we went to a small zoo, and we took some photos. There were not many animals. When we felt hungry, we went out and had lunch. After lunch, we visited some old houses. They learned more about Chinese history.

This wasn't only a big challenge but also an unforgettable challenge. This opportunity made me confident and brave. I hope I can catch many opportunities in the future, then I can speak English, because I think practice makes perfect.


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