

03月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[歌词找歌歌词:一个发生在夏天的故事]应该是“一个夏天发生的故事”,出自歌曲《我们的无奈》,由山野作词、作曲并演唱,收录在专辑《山山来驰》中。 歌词如下: 一个夏天发生的故事 一段简单的相爱的日子 本以为可以牵...+阅读

i am sailing, i am sailing home again, cross the sea i am sailing, stormy waters to be near you, to be free i am flying, i am flying like a bird, cross the sky i am flying, passing high clouds to be near you, to be free can you hear me, can you hear me through the dark night, far away i am dying, forever crying to be with you, who can say we are sailing, we are sailing home again, cross the sea we are sailing, stormy waters to be near you, to be free oh my lord, to be near you, to be free oh my lord

Rod Stewart的 Sailing歌词


歌手:Rod Stewart


所属专辑:《The Story So Far-Very Best Of》


I am sailing,

I am sailing home again 'cross the sea.

I am sailing stormy waters,

to be near you, to be free.

I am flying,

I am flying like a bird 'cross the sky.

I am flying passing high clouds,

to be near you, to be free.

Can you hear me,

can you hear me,

thru' the dark night far away?

I am dying, forever crying,

to be with you; who can say?

Can you hear me,

can you hear me,

thru' the dark night far away?

I am dying, forever, crying

to be with you; who can say?

We are sailing,

we are sailing home again 'cross the sea.

We are sailing stormy waters,

to be near you, to be free.

Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.

Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.

Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.

Oh Lord


Rod Stewart(全名:Roderick David Stewart 洛德·戴维德·斯蒂沃特)他曾经是世界上最出色的摇滚歌手之一,以独特的形象与嗓音闻名于音乐界。


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