

02月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[歇后语和谚语在语言上有哪些特点]谚语是劳动人民在不断的劳动中总结的语言有一定的教育意义. 歇后语也是人们在生活中总结的语言,与之不同的是歇后语有的滑稽,有的带有一些讽刺的含义. 是两种截然不同的语言表...+阅读

123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960 /* Exercise 2.3 Calculating volume price of alternative products *//* The only problem here is to devise a way to determine the price *//* for the product type. Here I used the product type value to do this. */#includeintmain(void){ doubletotal_price = 0.0; /* Total price */ inttype = 0; /* Product type */ intquantity = 0; /* Quantity ordered */ constdoubletype1_price = 3.50; constdoubletype2_price = 5.50; /* Get the product type */ printf("Enter the type (1 or 2): "); scanf("%d", &type); /* Get the order quantity */ printf("Enter the quantity: "); scanf("%d", &quantity); /* Calculate the total price */ total_price = quantity*(type1_price + (type-1)*(type2_price-type1_price)); /* Output the area */ printf("The price for %d of type %d is $%.2f\n", quantity, type, total_price); return0;}///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////* Exercise 2.4 Calculating average hourly pay rate */#includeintmain(void){ doublepay = 0.0; /* Weekly pay in dollars */ doublehours = 0.0; /* hours worked */ intdollars = 0; /* Hourly rate - dollars */ intcents = 0; /* ... and cents */ /* Get the Weekly pay */ printf("Enter your weekly pay in dollars: "); scanf("%lf", &pay); /* Get the order quantity */ printf("Enter the hours worked: "); scanf("%lf", &hours); /* Calculate the average hourly rate - dollars first */ dollars = (int)(pay/hours); /* to get the cents we can subtract the dollars from the hourly rate */ /* and multiply by 100 to get cents. If we then add 0.5 and convert the result */ /* back to an integer, it will be to the nearest cent. */ cents = (int)(100.0*(pay/hours - dollars) +0.5); /* Output the average hourly rate */ printf("Your average hourly pay rate is %d dollars and %d cents.\n", dollars, cents); return0;}


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