

03月14日 编辑 39baobao.com


No one can master English in one day !! 如何学好英语? 英语难学吗?如果你三天打鱼,两天晒网,你可能终生不能学会;如果你能以持之以恒的态度去学习,学好英语是没有问题的。 在今天和明天的中国,你应该具备两个工具是:英语、电脑。这两个工具你必须学会,而且在你的工作中离不了它们。即使学不到学问家的程度,但至少你应该会应用它们。特别是将来你所处的环境、你所需要的资料中,有很大一部分是英语。所以学好英语,势在必行。 如果你还没有入门,要先过语音这一关,免得你说的英语别人听不懂。 第二是词汇关,你住的单词、短语越多,你学会英语的路就越短。达到一般的水平,你的词汇量应该在3千到4千的水平。 第三是听力关,你要大量地听别人说、广播讲。逐渐地提高自己的听力水平。 第四是说和写,你要在学习英语的同时自己学说、学写。自己学着写一些句子,写一些短文。 以上四关实际上要同时攻克,不可偏费,同时学习,同时提高。 下面谈谈学习毅力的问题。如果你有坚强的毅力,那么世界上就没有什么难事。学英语关键是能够持之以恒。 在学习过程中,你应该制订一个计划,一天记住几个单词,一天记住一两个句型。你不要小看"持之以恒"的力量。举个例子: 如果你一天背5个单词一年就是1825个单词,相当于初中三年再加高中一年零两个月的词汇量。如果你坚持两年你就能住3650个单词,相当于中学六年包括本科两年的词汇量。 在制订计划时要遵循以下几项原则:





5、所选择的课本可以是一套或两套,千万别太多。实际学英语的书没有什么好坏之分,只要你能按照一套或两套一直学下去,就一定能学好。 怎么样,你有决心学好英语吗?现在就开始吧!


Social customs differ from place to place in the world. Misunderstanding will surely arise if we are not aware of these differences. There are many differences in social customs between Americans and Chinese. The most obvious is that people are very informal in social situations in the United States. For example, they call each other by their given names when they meet for the first time, including the young to the old. In China, however, this will be regarded as quite impolite. Another difference is in topics in conversation. It is quite all right to ask a Chinese the cost of his possessions while it is quite rude to do so in the United States.... Social customs differ from place to place in the world. Misunderstanding will surely arise if we are not aware of these differences.There are many differences in social customs between Americans and Chinese. The most obvious is that people are very informal in social situations in the United States. For example, they call each other by their given nameswhen they meet for the firsttime, including the young to the old. In China, however, this will be regarded as quite impolite. Another difference is in topics in conversation. It is quite all right to ask a Chinese the cost of his possessions while it is quite rude to do so in the United States. The Chinese do not care much if they are asked about their age, their political and religious beliefs whereas these kinds of topics are usually avoided in conversations in the United States.If the reception, Chinese like early, while Americans like off for 5 to 10 minutes, but no more than 15 minutesTable manners, Americans eat pray, Thanksgiving, Chinese notIn addition, Chinese like put the food on the table, shared responsibility, Americansalone eat their own copy of theAmericans like AA, Chinese like treat, make the landlordThere are certainly many other different social customs between Americans and Chinese to which we should pay much attention in the study of the English language. Only those who have an awareness of the culture of another nation can have a better command of its language. 展开


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