

02月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求一篇初中生英语短篇故事]A Thousand-mirror House There were two little dogs in a village . There was a thousand-mirror house near the village.One day ,one dog went to the house ,stood a...+阅读

The early years has a rightness of young men the matrimony in Alaska place in the United States, growing after getting married, his wife dies because I am difficult to produce, leaving one kid. His favour life, and then be occupied in watching the house, because no one helps to look after child, train a dog, that dog cleverness obedient, can look after a kid, bite 著 milk bottle to nurse with milk to drink for kid, bring up a kid. One day, the host go out go to, call it look after a kid. He arrived another country, can't come back on that day because of meeting heavy snow.The second genius rush through to go home, the dog hears noise to greet host immediately.He opens an of doors to see, is a blood everywhere, raise head on hoping, is also a blood on the bed, the kid is missing, the dog is nearby and readily ising also a blood, the host discover this kind of situation, think the dog goes into action, eating up a kid, having a fit under, picked up knife come to once the 著 dog's head split, killing a dog. Hear the kid's voice after and suddenly, and then see him descend to climb to come out from the bed, the 於 is to start to embrace a kid;Although the body contain blood, do not get hurt. He is very strange, don't know to is what happened actually, seeing again a dog body, the meat of the leg had no, having a wolf side, the inside of still bites the meat of dog;The dog saved little host, but was killed one by mistake by the host, this was really the most astonishing misconstruction of world. Note:Misunderstand of matter is a person usually Be doing not understand, have no rational, impatience, be in need of a thinking and can not make allowance for the other party in many ways, self-reflection oneself, the affection extremely excites of circumstance under take place. Misunderstand in the beginning, namely always thoughted of the other party of thousand wrong ten thousand wrong;Therefore will make to misunderstand to sink more more deep, make not 人生哲理故事之二《钉子》 有一个男孩有著很坏的脾气,于是他的父亲就给了他一袋钉子;并且告诉他,每当他发脾气的时候就钉一根钉子在后院的围篱上。

第一天,这个男孩钉下了37根钉子。慢慢地每天钉下的数量减少了。 他发现控制自己的脾气要比钉下那些钉子来得容易些。 终于有一天这个男孩再也不会失去耐性乱发脾气,他告诉他的父亲这件事,父亲告诉他,现在开始每当他能控制自己的脾气的时候,就拔出一根钉子。 一天天地过去了,最后男孩告诉他的父亲,他终于把所有钉子都拔出来了。

父亲握着他的手来到后院说:你做得很好,我的好孩子。但是看看那些围篱上的洞,这些围篱将永远不能回复成从前。你生气的时候说的话将像这些钉子一样留下疤痕。如果你拿刀子捅别人一刀,不管你说了多少次对不起,那个伤口将永远存在。话语的伤痛就像真实的伤痛一样令人无法承受。 注:人与人之间常常因为一些彼此无法释怀的坚持,而造成永远的伤害。



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