

01月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[一个较短的英语童话故事中英文翻译]满意回答 逃家小兔 The runaway bunny ——一只小兔兔要逃离妈妈,但无论它变成什么,都逃不出妈妈的关爱 从前有一只小兔子,他很要离家出走。有一天,他对妈妈说“我要逃走了” “...+阅读

Pig look in the mirror

Pig's face is always dirty.

Piglet birthday that day, his friend Bunny gave him a mirror, asking him out the door according to a photo a day, "so you can know where their faces are dirty, you can wipe off the dirty."

The next morning, in order to prevent the mirror lights up the dirty, the pig washed my face in a clean net.

But when he was about to look in the mirror.When flying a fly, throw bombs, like flies to feces that fell on the mirror. In this way, the mirror of the pig has become a dirty pig.


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