

05月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[讲英语的学生用英语怎么说]English-speaking students 讲英语的学生 双语例句 English-speaking students are also taught phonics, but phonics is particularly important for second-language lea...+阅读

Candlelight DinnerDid he take you to a candlelight dinner? 他有带你去烛光晚餐吗? 当男生对一个女生有意思想要追求她的时候,多半会留下一些蛛丝马迹,也就是上例中女主角想要收集的 evidence 啦!其中最有力的证据之一就是他会带你上高级餐厅,这种餐厅通常会在桌上摆一个小蜡烛作为照明,让气氛 (atmosphere) 看起来比较好,这就是所谓的 candlelight dinner。当然例句里的说法是泛指高级餐厅,不一定非得要有candlelight 才行。但是如果你直截了当地说"Did he take you to a very expensive restaurant?"听起来是不是有点俗气?不好不好,我们还是用 "Did he take you to a candlelight dinner?"听来会比较舒服一点。 常跟 candlelight dinner 一起被提及的还有 moonlight walk 这个很浪漫的用法。顾名思义,moonlight walk 就是指两人在月光下散步,照理说男生在带女生去吃过 candlelight dinner 之后,就该说"Let's go for a moonlight walk!"这样男士们才算尽到你应尽的义务。

吃烛光晚餐、点生日蜡烛很浪漫温馨,但医学专家却告诫,小心因此而导致铅中毒。 一项专题研究表明,点蜡烛,特别是点有香味的和慢燃的蜡烛可能引起铅中毒。因为这类蜡烛是用铅做的或是含铅的,如果点燃后弥漫在空气中,人体吸入过多会危害人的神经系统、心脏和呼吸系统,从而导致不同程度的铅中毒。 据说明,铅对人体的危害性很大,尤其是危害儿童的智力发育,使儿童学习上有困难、行为上有问题、智力迟钝及发育缓慢。由于铅中毒最大的特点是非特异性,易混在一般症状中,而且表现出的症状、中毒的深浅度也因人而异,因而在临床上不易引起重视,由此导致可能会延误最佳治疗时间。 研究还发现,若孕妇在怀孕期间不慎铅中毒,还会造成流产、死胎或出生的婴儿是畸形的后果。...



读法:英 ['dɪnə] 美 ['dɪnɚ]


1、n. 晚餐,晚宴;宴会;正餐

2、n. (Dinner)人名;(法)迪内

Reunion dinner年夜饭

dinner party晚餐会

Return dinner答谢宴会


1、Two hours ago, they healed over and went out for dinner together.


2、The crews of the Card and its consorts had eaten Christmas dinner in Casablanca before sailing.




读法:英 ['brekfəst] 美 ['brɛkfəst]


1、n. 早餐;早饭

2、vi. 吃早餐

3、vt. 为…供应早餐


1、eat breakfast吃早饭

2、Continental Breakfast欧式早餐

3、Western Breakfast西式早餐

4、Breakfast cereals早点用谷物片

求PART OF A FOOL中英文对照的歌词是像那种上面是中文下面是英

爱情的傻子 Part Of A Fool 我曾经历过 而我无法忘怀 I've been there before And I Just can't let go 我知道回忆带给我痛苦 The memory and pain of the hurt I know 现在在深夜里 心中有股热情 Now deep in the night And there's pseeion inside 我任凭自己跟着感觉走 Dare I follow my heart 一个天真的笑容 An innocent smile 让我在外漫走彻夜不归 Then a walk in the night 虽然家中温暖的烛光晚餐在等着我 There it's dinner at home served with candle light And It's quite a while 心中未曾快乐过 我任凭自己跟着感觉走 Since I felt good inside Dare I follow my heart 我真的感受到你内心的特别吗 Do I feel something special inside of you 我真的知道你是怎么看待我的吗 Do I know what you're really think of me 心中的雨未曾停过 And the raindrops keep falling into my heart 美好的感觉如此真实而无法否认 And I just can't deny what feels so right 我应该不顾一切去感受雨滴 Do I let myself go and feel the rain 或是应该先玩火再克制 Or should I play with caution and refrain 不论我做了什么 都是为你 whatever I do when it comes to you 我清楚有时爱情让人变成傻子 I know sometimes love plays the part of a fool 我知道是什么 虽然我不能再多说了 I know what's in store Though I can't say much more 就是我把握了一个机会希望它为我打开另一扇门 A chance worth the taking has open its door 我不能说我爱你 我又不能说我不爱你 And I can't say I love you And I can't say I don't 但我真希望我知道该怎么做 But I do wish I knew


By 2010, March 27 at 8:30 PM to 9:30 points, held an hour when global activities. Many famous buildings such as the Forbidden City, the bird's nest, water cube as a lamp, People held a candlelight dinner. The school students can advance under the self-study, I think this earth hour is correct, the lamp can offer for national energy saving and protecting the environment


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最简单的烛光晚餐怎么做你还真幸运 我昨天刚刚帮朋友写了一篇:80后的小资厨房,介绍的就是烛光晚餐 给你做参考吧,很不错哦 80末,很宅,很阳光,喜欢在阳光充裕的午后为自己动手做个小点心。 第一:要选好地点...

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