[浅谈多媒体教学在语言教学中的运用]浅谈多媒体教学在语言教学中的运用沧州市第二幼儿园 商瑞华随着教育现代化的逐步深入,多媒体教育手段得到越来越广泛地运用。把多媒体教学手段运用到幼儿语言活动中,不仅使...+阅读
Wonderful !
Good !
Very good J
That was good.
Not bad-
Well done.
That was a little better, but...
That's much better, but you forgot something when you pronounced
Don't you think you have made a little progress?
Nearly right, but you'd better...
That was not quite right, you didn't...
That doesn't sound very good.
Not really ! /Not quite! /Watch me and I'll show you.
Issuing a command
By yourself. This is practice for the exam.
Books closed.
Back into groups, each person can say it in turn.
You work in twos with two pictures.
Quiet please.
Stop now.
Watch how I write it.
Watch how to do it.
Now, turn round, face the back ) without looking at the board
Listen to me and I'll explain the meaning of the word.
Let me use the picture to show its meaning.
The word ends in 'tion' so it must be a noun-
Let's see if you can guess. I'll give you an example: -.
We can use this sentence to express -.
What does it mean in the context? It's clear that the man used it to blame the boy.
Look at the picture here- The man is standing by the window. Perhaps he is interested in
What is happening in the street.
What might happen in a few minutes? The boy is getting angry with Mary.
There are three people sitting by the river. They are looking at the ship. The ship is very beautiful.
如何在课堂中使用多媒体教学1.制作课件。把要展示的内容以动画的形式呈现出来,部分的代替板书,节省时间,提高课时利用率。一系列内容呈现的先后顺序,根据先后的衔接特点来确定。 2.声情貌的结合呈现。声指...
在小学课堂教学中怎样使用多媒体1.制作课件。把要展示的内容以动画的形式呈现出来,部分的代替板书,节省时间,提高课时利用率。一系列内容呈现的先后顺序,根据先后的衔接特点来确定。 2.声情貌的结合呈现。声指...
数学课堂教学如何合理运用多媒体才能有效提高教学效率一、 在数学课堂教学中利用多媒体辅助教学,有利于创设情境,直观形象地展示数学知识,激发学生学习兴趣,突出重点,突破难点。 多媒体计算机集文字、图形、图像、动画、声音、视频等...
云课堂教学相比多媒体教学有什么优势一、多媒体教学的优点 1.电视媒体教学的最大优点在于它有利于建立以学生为主体的教学模式 这是一种与建构主义学习理论以及建构主义学习环境理论相适应的教学模式。学生在教...
路过的好心人请提供些公共英语等级考试的信息什么是全国公共英语等级考试 全国公共英语等级考试(Public English Test System,简称 PETS)是教育部考试中心设计并负责的全国性英语水平考试体系。作为中、英两国政府的教育交...