[母亲60大寿邀请函英文]楼主您好: Invitation Dear XXX, I would like to invite you and your wife/husband to come to my mother's 60th birthday party on Sept 23rd/24th, 2011 at Room xxx, 2...+阅读
Dear Mr. Smith:
Our company will hold a party to celebrate our fifth ceremony of developing the business in Chinese market. We are glad to take honor to invite you and your wife to the celebration party. I believe your visit will make a happy and meaningful party and celebration.
Time: from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Location: Lido Hotel
Arrangement of the celebration: 10:00 to 11:00, celebration meeting; 11:00 to 12:30, visiting the company; 12:30 to 2:00 luncheon at first floor of Lido Hotel
怎么写英文邀请信呢例文如下~希望能帮到你~谢谢! Mr. and Mrs. John Smith request the honour of the presence of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown at the marriage of their daughter Elizabeth Sm...
如何写年会邀请函公司年会邀请函怎么写?有没有一定的标准和格式?跟一起来学习一下公司年会邀请函怎么写吧! 以下是一篇公司年会邀请函的范文:邀请函 尊敬的_____: 为感谢您及贵公司对我们长期以来...
求一份用英文写的生日邀请函要告诉对方重要的是自己家在哪怎Lucy(朋友名字): lovely Monday is my birthday. Hope you can come to my place in XXX (or) time is six points (XXX), and I am looking forward to your coming, goodbye....
帮我写一个英文的生日邀请函Dear Yu Chen, Everyone has an important day in a year. My birthday is on 17th of December. I have a birthday party at________ (your selected venue) It will be m...
外贸英文邀请函怎么写的这个非常简单。就跟写邮件差不多的。 INVITATION LETTER To: XXX公司(对方公司名) Dear Sir or Madam, We are very pleased to invite Mr. *** come to our factory for visi...
我医院想请外医院专家来讲课如何写邀请函尊敬的_________教授/专家: 您好! 我院拟定于某月某日于_____地举办_____巡讲/培训班。鉴于您在__学科/领域的学术影响及地位,特邀请您作为___课程的授课老师,具体事宜安排如下:...
如何写名师邀请函邀请函 尊敬的_______ 您好!我是 学校的老师,曾有幸听过您的讲座,觉得非常生动也颇受启发,很想邀请 老师来我校做关于 的讲座。我们的学生作为新一代,充满了对知识的渴望,希望老师...
帮忙写一片有关毕业典礼的英文邀请函急用Dear profession, I am happy that wo have a happy time together in the past few years.You have helped me a lot which I am great thankful for .As a result of your...
谁帮我写一份英文的派对邀请函万分感谢!来来来,朋友,我花了几十分钟,给你做了一个图。 图上文字我给你敲在这儿了: 抬头: Celebrate With Us ! You're invited ! 正文: Dear friend , you're invited . Therefore , you...