

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com


1. p action ==>比例动作

2. p channel fet ==>p沟道场效应晶体管

3. p channel metal oxide semiconductor transistor ==>p沟道金属氧化物半导体晶体管

4. p channel mos ==>p型沟道金属氧化物半导体

5. p contact ==>p型接触

6. p control ==>比例控制

7. p diffused region ==>p型扩散区

8. p dopant ==>p型掺杂剂

9. p dopant modifier ==>p型掺杂剂

10. p doped drain ==>p型掺杂漏极

11. p doped semiconductor ==>p型半导体

12. p doped source ==>p型掺杂源极

13. p epi ==>p型外延层

14. p i n diode ==>pin二极管

15. p i n diode phase shifter ==>pin二极管移相器

16. p i n photodiode ==>pin光电二极管

17. p n junction ==>pn结

18. p n junction isolation ==>pn结隔离

19. p n junction rectification ==>pn结型整流

20. p type conduction ==>p型导电性

21. p type diffusion ==>p型扩散

22. p type dopant ==>p型掺杂剂

23. p type doping ==>p型掺杂

24. p type semiconductor ==>p型半导体

25. p well diffusion ==>p阱形成扩散

26. p well mask ==>p阱形成掩膜

27. p+ guard ring ==>p+型保护环

28. p.u.calculation ==>相对值计算

29. PA, Process Automation ==>过程自动化

30. pace voltage ==>阶跃电压

31. pack ==>部件

32. pack carrier television station ==>便携式电视发射机

33. package ==>外壳

34. package assembly ==>外壳组装

35. package base ==>外壳基座

36. package closure ==>管壳密封

37. package header ==>外壳基座

38. package inductance ==>管壳电感

39. package lead ==>外壳引线

40. packaged chip ==>封装的集成电路

41. packaged integrated circuit ==>封装的集成电路

42. packaged tube ==>成套管

43. packageless integrated microcircuit ==>无封装集成微型电路

44. packaging ==>封装

45. packaging density ==>组装密度

46. packaging hardware ==>封装装置

47. packaging socket ==>封装用底座

48. packaging system ==>封装装置

49. packet ==>包

50. packet munication ==>包通信

51. packet work ==>包交换网络

52. packet switched work ==>包交换网络

53. packet switching ==>包交换

54. packet transmission ==>包传输

55. packet transmission system ==>包传输系统

56. packing ==>包装,填料

57. packing density ==>存储密度,组装密度

58. pad ==>垫圈,衬垫,衰耗器,轴瓦,推力瓦,焊盘,焊接点,底座

59. pad layer ==>焊接层

60. pad mounted ==>底座安装型

61. pad mounted transformer ==>带隔间的底座安装型变压器

62. pad registration ==>焊接点重合

63. pad type bearing ==>分块瓦式轴承

64. padding condenser ==>垫整电容器

65. pager ==>页面等程序

66. pair ==>电偶

67. pair creation ==>电子空穴对产生

68. pair production ==>电子空穴对产生

69. paired cable ==>双电缆

70. paired echo ==>对回波

71. pairs ==>对

72. pal ==>可编程序逻辑阵列

73. palladium silver conductor system ==>钯银导体系统

74. pam ==>脉冲幅度调制

75. pancake coil ==>扁平线圈

76. pancake package ==>偏平管壳

77. pancake winding ==>盘形绕组

78. panel ==>板,盘

79. panel board ==>配电盘

80. panel meter ==>配电板式仪表

81. panel mounting ==>配电盘装配,面板装配

82. panel voltmeter ==>配电板式电压表

83. panel wattmeter ==>盘用瓦特计

84. panelectronics ==>泛电子学

85. panoramic receiver ==>扫涤收机

86. pantelegraphy ==>传真电报学

87. pantograph ==>受电弓,比例画器

88. pantograph type current collector ==>受电弓

89. paper ==>纸,论文

90. paper battery ==>纸电池

91. paper cable ==>纸绝缘电缆

92. paper capacitor ==>纸介电容器

93. paper condenser ==>纸介电容器

94. paper covered wire ==>纸绝缘线

95. paper insulated cable ==>纸绝缘电缆

96. paper insulated wire ==>纸绝缘线

97. paper insulation ==>纸绝缘

98. paper oil insulation ==>油纸绝缘

99. paper tape reader ==>磁带读出器

100. parabola ==>抛物线

101. parabolic ==>抛物线的

102. parabolic glass reflector ==>抛物面反射镜

103. parabolic index optical fiber ==>抛物线折射率剖面光纤维

104. parabolic mirror ==>抛物柱面镜,抛物面反射镜

105. parabolic reflector ==>抛物面反射器

106. parabolic reflector antenna ==>抛物面反射体天线

107. parabolically graded optical fiber ==>抛物线折射率剖面光纤维

108. paracrystal ==>不完全晶体

109. paraffin ==>石蜡

110. paraffin oil ==>石蜡油

111. parallax ==>视差

112. parallax error ==>视差

113. parallel ==>并联的

114. parallel beam ==>平行光束

115. parallel capacity ==>并联电容

116. parallel circuit ==>并联电路

117. parallel connection ==>并联

118. parallel control ==>并联控制

119. parallel digital puter ==>并行数字计算机

120. parallel feed ==>井联馈电

121. parallel feeder ==>并联馈路

122. parallel gap weld ==>平行间隙式焊接

123. parallel groove clamp ==>并沟线夹

124. parallel interface ==>并行接口

125. parallel light beam ==>平行光束

126. parallel mirror city ==>平行镜空腔

127. parallel operation ==>并联运行,并行操作

128. parallel plate condenser ==>平行板电容器

129. parallel plate electron multiplier ==>平行板电极式电子倍增管

130. parallel plate plasma etcher ==>平行板等离子体腐蚀装置

131. parallel processing ==>并行处理

132. parallel register ==>并行寄存器

133. parallel resonance ==>并联谐振

134. parallel resonant circuit ==>并联谐振电路

135. parallel running ==>并联运行

136. parallel storage ==>并行存储器

137. parallel system of distribution ==>并联式配电

138. parallel t work ==>并联t形网络

139. parallel to serial converter ==>并串变换器

140. parallel transfer ccd ==>并行转移电荷耦合装置

141. parallel winding ==>并绕

142. paralleling ==>并联

143. paramagic material ==>顺磁质

144. paramagic resonance ==>顺磁共振

145. paramagic substance ==>顺磁质

146. paramagic susceptibility ==>顺磁磁化率

147. paramagism ==>顺磁性

148. parameter ==>参数

149. parameter identification ==>参数鉴定

150. parameter of a protection system ==>保护系统的参数

151. parameter region ==>参数区域

152. parameter value ==>参数值

153. parametric amplification ==>参量放大

154. parametric amplifier ==>参量放大器

155. parametric gain ==>参量放大

156. parametric interaction ==>参数相互动作

157. parametric laser ==>参量激光器

158. parametric oscillator ==>参量振荡器

159. parametric pumping ==>参数抽运

160. parametric representation ==>参数表示

161. parametric resonance ==>参量谐振,参量共振

162. parametron ==>参数激励器

163. paraphase amplifier ==>倒相放大器

164. parasite frequency modulation ==>寄生频率调制

165. parasitic ==>寄生的

166. parasitic action ==>寄生动作

167. parasitic capacitance ==>寄生电容

168. parasitic capacity ==>寄生电容

169. parasitic current ==>寄生电流

170. parasitic element ==>寄生元件

171. parasitic oscillation ==>寄生振荡

172. parasitic oscillation suppression ==>寄生振荡抑制

173. parasitic oscillations ==>寄生振荡

174. parasitic thermoelectromotive force ==>寄生温差电动势

175. parent material ==>母体材料

176. parent metal ==>母体金属

177. parity ==>同等,均等,均势

178. parity bit ==>奇偶校验位,一致校验位

179. parity check ==>奇偶校验,一致校验

180. parity check digit ==>奇偶校验数字,一致校验数字

181. parity check equation ==>奇偶校验方程,一致校验方程

182. parity code ==>奇偶校验码

183. parity conservation law ==>宇称守恒定律

184. parity matrix ==>奇偶校验矩阵,一致校验矩阵

185. Park ==>派克

186. Park equation ==>派克方程

187. Park transformation ==>派克变换,现在占主流地位的交流电机分析计算时的基本变换,螺旋矢量理论(spiral vector theory)不作派克变换对交流电机进行分析。

188. parkerizing ==>磷化处理

189. parking hole ==>调整孔

190. parking lane ==>停车道

191. parking place ==>停车场

192. parking position ==>停放位置

193. parser ==>语法分析的程序

194. Parseval theorem ==>帕斯伐定理,the sum (or integral) of the square of a function is equal to the sum (or integral) of the square of its transform.

195. part ==>元件,零件

196. part flow ==>部分流量

197. part reliability ==>部件可靠性

198. partial admission turbine ==>部分进气式汽轮机

199. partial capacity ==>部分电容

200. partial carry ==>部分进位

201. partial patibility ==>部分兼容性

202. partial discharge ==>部分放电(PD),局部放电

203. partial discharge inception test ==>局部放电起始试验,电晕放电起始试验

204. partial discharge inception voltage ==>局部放电起始电压(PDIV)

205. partial discharge indicator ==>部分放电指示器

206. partial discharge pulse ==>局部放电脉冲

207. partial dislocation ==>局部位错

208. partial earth ==>不完善电介体

209. partial earth contact ==>部分接地

210. partial floating ==>部分浮动

211. partial load ==>部分负载

212. partial pressure ==>分压

213. partial pressure analyzer ==>分压分析器

214. partial pressure gage ==>分压分析器

215. partial voltage starting ==>低电压起动

216. partially carbonized lignite ==>褐煤半焦

217. partially closed cycle ==>半闭式循环

218. partially enclosed apparatus ==>半封闭设备

219. partially energized ==>部分激励的,半激励的

220. partially-exposed basement ==>半地下室

221. partially fixed-end beam ==>部分嵌固梁

222. partially inserted control rod ==>部分插入的控制棒

223. partially reflected reactor ==>有部分反射层的反应堆

224. partially reflecting mirror ==>部分反射镜

225. partially segregated flow ==>局部分离流

226. partially stabilized conductor ==>局部稳定导体

227. partially transparent mirror ==>部分透明镜

228. partially withdrawn control rod ==>部分提出的控制棒

229. particle ==>粒子

230. particle absorption ==>粒子吸收

231. particle accelerator ==>粒子加速器

232. particle beam technology ==>粒子束技术

233. particle bunching ==>粒子聚束

234. particle flux ==>粒子流

235. particle seepage ==>颗粒泄漏

236. particle separation ==>粒子分离

237. particle size ==>颗粒尺寸

238. particle-size analysis ==>粒径分析

239. particle size of dust ==>灰尘粒度

240. particle size of fume ==>烟气粒度

241. particle size range ==>粒径范围

242. particle storage ==>粒子存储

243. particle surface ==>颗粒表面

244. particulate ==>粒子,微粒

245. particulate activity ==>微粒放射性

246. particulate chemistry ==>微粒化学

247. particulate collector ==>集尘器

248. particulate contamination ==>微粒子污染

249. particulate filter ==>微粒过滤器

250. particulate fouling ==>颗粒污垢

251. particulate matter ==>粒状物料,颗粒物质

252. particulate pollutant ==>粒状污染物,微粒污染物

253. partition ==>隔壁

254. partition between busbar phases ==>母线相间隔板

255. partition board ==>隔板

256. partition capacitance ==>部分电容

257. partition chromatography ==>分配色层法

258. partition insulator ==>绝缘套管

259. partitioned access method ==>分区存取法

260. partitioned data set ==>分区数据集

261. partly closed slot ==>部分闭合槽

262. parts per billion ==>十亿分之几

263. parts per million ==>百万分之

264. parts per trillion ==>兆分之

265. party ==>群

266. party line ==>合用线

267. party line system ==>同线电话制

268. PAS, Personal Access System ==>个人接入系统(如“小灵通”)

269. Pascal ==>帕斯卡

270. Pascal‘s law ==>帕斯卡定律

271. paschen‘s law ==>帕邢定律

272. Paschen‘s law ==>帕申定律

273. pass ==>通过

274. pass band ==>通带

275. PASS, Plug And Switch System ==>智能插接式开关,装在一公共气罐上的断路器,隔离开关,接地开关,电流和电压传感器,以及套管组成一气体绝缘金属密闭组合体。

276. passage ==>通路

277. passband ==>通频带

278. passing light ==>近光

279. passivant ==>钝化剂

280. passivated surface ==>钝化表面

281. passivating coating ==>钝化涂层

282. passivating layer ==>钝化层

283. passivation ==>钝化

284. passivation etching ==>钝化层腐蚀

285. passive ==>被动的

286. passive antenna ==>无源天线

287. passive circuit ==>无源电路

288. passive ponent ==>无源元件

289. passive defects ==>原因不明的故障

290. passive element ==>无源元件

291. passive four terminal work ==>无源四端网络

292. passive homing ==>被动导航

293. passive isolation ==>钝态隔离

294. passive work ==>无源网络

295. passive q switch ==>无源q开关

296. passive q switching ==>无源q开关

297. passive repeater ==>无源中继器

298. passive retransmission ==>无源转播

299. passive satellite repeater ==>无源卫星转发器

300. passive transducer ==>无源变换器

301. passive two port work ==>无源四端网络

302. passively mode locked laser ==>无源锁模激光器

303. paste ==>膏剂

304. paste position ==>膏成分

305. paste system ==>膏系统

306. pasted filament ==>钨膏灯丝

307. pasted plate ==>涂浆极板

308. patch bay ==>插头板

309. patch board ==>插头板

310. patch cord ==>等塞绳

311. patent ==>专利

312. patent agreement ==>专利协议

313. patent application ==>专利申请书

314. patent cooperation treaty ==>专利权合作条约

315. patent fee ==>专利费

316. patent for invention ==>发明专利权

317. patent gazette ==>专利公极

318. patent holder ==>专利持有方

319. patent in force ==>生效的专利

320. patent laws ==>专卖特许

321. patent license ==>专利权特许使用权

322. patent license agreement ==>专利特许协议

323. patent No. ==>专利号

324. patent rights ==>专利权

325. patent specification ==>专利说明书

326. patentee ==>专利权所有人

327. patera ==>插座,接线盒

328. path ==>路程

329. path length ==>路程长度

330. path loss ==>路径损耗

331. path of propagation ==>传播路径

332. path of winding ==>线圈支路

333. patrol car ==>巡视车

334. pattern ==>光栅,图样,方向图

335. pattern alignment ==>图形对准

336. pattern array ==>图像阵列

337. pattern blurring ==>图像模糊

338. pattern definition ==>图案形成

339. pattern element ==>图形单元

340. pattern fabrication ==>图像形成

341. pattern formation ==>图形生成

342. pattern generation ==>图形生成

343. pattern generator ==>测视图案信号发生器,图形发生器

344. pattern identification ==>图形识别

345. pattern mask ==>图像掩模

346. pattern matrix ==>图像阵列

347. pattern plate ==>模板

348. pattern recognition ==>图象识别

349. pattern repeater ==>步进重复照相设备

350. pattern replication ==>图像重复

351. pattern writer ==>绘图机

352. patterned film ==>有图膜

353. patterning ==>图案形成

354. patterning exposure ==>图像形成曝光

355. pause ==>间歇

356. pbx ==>专用小交换机

357. pc ==>印刷电路板

358. pcb ==>印刷电路板

359. pcb insertion ==>印刷电路板装配

360. PCC, Programmable puter Controller ==>可编程计算机控制器

361. pci ==>多晶硅隔离

362. pcm ==>脉码调制

363. pcm exchange ==>脉码调制电话交换局

364. pcm signal ==>脉码调制信号

365. PCM, pulse code modulation ==>脉冲编码调制,脉码调制

366. pd action ==>比例微分动作

367. pdm ==>脉冲持续时间调制

368. pdp ==>等离子体显示板

369. PDSR, practical dynamic security region ==>实用动态安全域

370. peak ==>峰,值

371. peak arc voltage ==>弧光峰值电压

372. peak attenuation ==>衰减

373. peak current ==>峰值电流

374. peak current density ==>电流密度

375. peak detector ==>峰值检波器

376. peak electrode current ==>峰值电极电流

377. peak energy ==>峰值能量

378. peak factor ==>峰值因数,峰值振幅因数

379. peak forward current ==>峰值正向电流

380. peak frequency ==>峰值频率

381. peak hour ==>峰值负载时间

382. peak indicator ==>峰值指示器

383. peak inverse current ==>反峰值电流

384. peak inverse voltage ==>反峰电压

385. peak let through current ==>通过瞬间电流

386. peak load ==>峰负载

387. peak load effective duration factor ==>峰值功率持续时间率

388. peak load power plant ==>峰值功率发电站

389. peak load unit ==>尖峰负载机组

390. peak making current of pole of switching device ==>开关装置峰值闭合电流

391. peak of we ==>波峰

392. peak off voltage ==>峰值截止电压

393. peak on voltage ==>导通电压

394. peak output ==>峰值输出功率

395. peak output power ==>输出功率

396. peak power density ==>峰值功率密度

397. peak power output adjustment ==>输出功率调节

398. peak power rate ==>峰值电力费率

399. peak power station ==>峰值功率发电站

400. peak pressure ==>压力

401. peak pressure indicator ==>压力指示器

402. peak pulse amplitude ==>峰值脉冲振幅

403. peak rating ==>定额

404. peak responsibility factor ==>峰值负载系数

405. peak reverse gate voltage ==>峰值反向门电压

406. peak reverse voltage ==>反峰电压

407. peak shing ==>峰值负载抑制

408. peak sideband power ==>峰值边带功率

409. peak signal ==>峰值信号

410. peak-to-erage power ratio ==>峰值与平均功率比

411. peak-to-peak value ==>峰峰值

412. peak-to-peak voltage ==>峰间电压

413. peak torque ==>转矩

414. peak-total ratio ==>峰-总比

415. peak value ==>峰值

416. peak value measurement ==>峰值测定

417. peak value meter ==>峰值表

418. peak voltmeter ==>峰值电压表

419. peak working reverse voltage ==>峰值工状向电压

420. peaker ==>微分电路

421. peaking capability ==>过负载输出功率

422. peaking capacity ==>峰值输出功率

423. peaking coil ==>建峰线圈

424. peaking generation ==>峰值功率

425. peaking transformer ==>峰值变压器

426. pedestal ==>基础板

427. pedestal chip ==>凸点焊盘型芯片

428. pedestal insulator ==>支座绝缘子

429. peek a boo ==>同位穿孔检索

430. pel ==>像素

431. pellet part ==>片状装置

432. pellet type arrester ==>丸形避雷器

433. pellicle ==>薄膜

434. pellicle reticle ==>薄膜中间掩模

435. peltier effect ==>珀尔帖效应

436. peltier effect cooler ==>珀耳帖效应冷却器

437. pelton turbine ==>培尔顿式水轮机

438. pelton wheel ==>培尔顿式水轮机

439. pen recorder ==>笔尖记录器钢笔记录器

440. pencil beam antenna ==>锐锥形射束天线

441. pencil tube ==>笔形管

442. pendant lamp ==>吊灯

443. pendant lighting fitting ==>吊灯

444. pendant luminaire ==>吊灯

445. pendant switch ==>垂悬式开关

446. pendulum ==>摆

447. pendulum governor ==>摆式调节器

448. pendulum meter ==>钟表式计数器

449. pendulum relay ==>振子继电器

450. perability ==>穿透能力

451. perating power ==>穿透能力

452. peration ==>贯穿

453. perometer ==>硬度计

454. peniotron ==>超高频放大管

455. penning discharge ==>潘宁放电

456. penstock ==>压力水管

457. pentagrid ==>五栅管

458. pentagrid converter ==>五栅管混频器五栅管变频器

459. pentane lamp ==>戊烷灯

460. pentode ==>五极管

461. penumbral blur ==>图像贸交界处模糊

462. per amplifier ==>前置放大器

463. per slice yield ==>薄片成品率

464. per unit area concentration ==>单位面积浓度

465. per unit calculation ==>相对值计算

466. per unit volume concentration ==>单位体积浓度

467. percent break ==>脉冲断开时间百分率

468. percent conductivity ==>导电率百分数,比导电率

469. percent defective ==>废品率

470. percent harmonic distortion ==>谐波畸变率

471. percent make ==>脉冲持续时间百分率

472. percent of accuracy ==>准确度,精度

473. percent of pass ==>合格率,

474. percent of pitch ==>节距系数

475. percent ratio error ==>变比误差百分数,变比误差率(变压器)

476. percent test ==>选择试验,抽查

477. percent unbalance of phase voltage ==>相电压不平衡百分数

478. percentage bridge ==>百分率电桥

479. percentage conductivity ==>百分电导率

480. percentage differential protection ==>比率差动保护装置

481. percentage differential relay ==>比率差动继电器

482. percentage line drop ==>线路电压降百分数

483. percentage modulation ==>调制度

484. percentage modulation meter ==>调制度测试器

485. percentage of current load(%) ==>负载电流百分比显示

486. percentage ripple ==>脉动百分数

487. percussion ==>冲击

488. percu



电气及半导体词汇词典U1. U-bolt ==>U形螺丝2. u shape hanger chains ==>u形曲链片吊挂装置3. u shaped manometer ==>u形压力计4. ubitron ==>波动射束注入器5. uhf ==>特高频6. uhf band...




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半导体激光耳腔内照射治疗外耳道湿疹疗效观察[摘 要] 目的:观察半导体激光耳腔内照射治疗外耳道湿疹的效果。方法:外耳道湿疹患者25例,30耳,均为经耳科常规药物治疗效果不佳者。给予波长650 nm半导体激光耳腔内照射,输出功率20...
