

03月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英文面试自我介绍怎么说]开头: It's my honour to stand here and introduce myself to you. 介绍情况 name age school major hometown hobby experience .. 结尾: I'm quite confident about my abi...+阅读

家长会的英文:parents' meeting

例:Last Friday, we had a special parents' meeting in our classroom.





n. 父母;双亲

v. 教养;引起

n. (Parents)人名;(法)帕朗

例:This is where a lot of parents go wrong.


例:Each unit including the parent company has its own, local management.




n. 会议;会见;集会;汇合点

v. 会面;会合

例:Can we have a meeting to discuss that?


例:The meeting decided that further efforts were needed.




1、parent指父亲或母亲,复e5a48de588b6e79fa5e9819331333431353933数parents指“双亲”。但在儿童语言中,表示“双亲”用father and mother比用parents更常见。




1、parent metal 基层金属

2、parent rock 母岩

3、parent firm 母公司

4、parent strain 亲株

5、parent process 父行程



Welcome to the parents in this regard, you may know that you want to know. Parents hope that will substantially Haihan!



Development of the brain, the learning of English. The parents will be successfully completed, have any questions please dial telephone teachers, we sub stance - you improve!




Dear parents,

Welcome here to take part in the parents' meeting for our class. First, please allow me to represent our school, our class and all the students to welcome you all here. It's my great honor to stand here to give greetings and best wishes to you all. For you, wasting precious time coming and sitting here means that you care for your children, their life and their studies. I will spend several minutes in introducing our class, and then we'll have a heated discussion, during which you can raise any question and I'll try my best to make my sincere response. I firmly believe, with our mutual efforts, all the children will make progress in return for your concern.



Parents will be

My goodness! On November 29, it will be parents! This is rather special, students come here to attend, head to increase feelings of parents and students.

I am a mother and to the teachers say 8:00 into the school, I had to get up 7:30, because not ring alarm clock is definitely too late, rushed to the school, then get up late, and schools have to sweat the .

Finally arrived at the classroom. Classmates laugh at me, let me unable to mind, they laugh at me with a balloon, has been too naive. I said: "What, did you play?" ... ...

First, parents will be the first stage: mathematics. Mathematical guess is the main topic, all of a sudden have to say right answer and must not be stopped, it can be difficult to us, but our efforts, or a customs clearance of an adopted.

Followed by a second stage: English. Can be difficult, but I have been through English classes, I was a "Southern Mr. Guo." In the beginning, as if I have any grudges against them spokesman, How are all of a sudden you, all of a sudden and how old are you, to answer all of a sudden we are victims of the answer to all of a sudden ... that ... people really can not stand,

... ...

Finally, as a result of the following is the parents, we can not affect the parents, so we bid farewell to the parents go through this, I feel the parents will be: the original parents will be very fun, is not terrible.


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