恩~~~~这个真的没什么金科玉律的规定,除了老套的问侯外我们肯定想演讲更生动一点,你看看下面的句子怎么样: 问侯我就不用说了,说说比较新颖一点的: I want to thank all of you for your hospitality when I arrived。 You have a reputation for your friendliness and I now know why。。。。(可根据实际情况是否使用) 另外福特有句名言很适合在这儿用: As Ford used to say :"Coming together is a beginning,keeping together is a progress ,working together is a success。 " 一定要用大家一般都认得的名人的话。 或者你也可以试试这句: Today is a special occasion because this is first time that all of us from different places have been brought together,and what we would like to achieve is 。 。。。 总之要根据你的情况灵活运用。 。