

02月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[ !四年级脱式乘除计算题含有小数!]5.3*6.3+2.3= 4.4*7.3+5.3= 4*8.8+1.5= 4.1*0.8-0.2= 9.9*1.4+0.6= 6.4*2.4+3.6= 12.48-4*9.7= 9.8*1.3-0.3= 4.8*9.1-0.5= 4.2*1.8-0.1= 5.59-3*4.3= 3.053-0.1*5.3= 9.4*8...+阅读

My name is Lily, i am 11 years old. i am in Class 3, Grade 5. i have many friends. my favorite food is fish. i have many hobbies, such as reading at home, watching TV, playing badmitton,and so on. but my elder brother likes playing basketball and collecting stamps very much. My best friend is Lucy. She likes swimming very much. and she often do some drawing at home. Flying a kite in the sky is our best thing to do in spring. We often do homework together. My mother also likes her .


4年级小数脱式计算请问现在谁有啊?小学四年级数学试卷 一、填空。1). 如果被减数和减数都增加3.5,那么差就 ( ) 。 2). 比3.96多1.07的数是( ).3). 把28.45扩大100倍,再缩小1000倍,得数是( ). 4). 4在百分位上比在百位上...

小学四年级数学脱式计算简便运算解方程各50道带小数点的*= 1÷= ÷8= 7*= *12=*= -= + ÷= 14÷ = 2、怎样简便就怎样算。(40分) (1)3- - (2) * + * (3) * + ÷ (4)18*( + ) 3、解方程。(20分) (1) χ= (2)χ*(+ )= 4、列式计算。(20分) (1)一个数的...

急购五年级上册语文新领程首先,前提。只有150个字。不好别打我。 1 窃、炒、锅、踮、哟、饿、惧、充、檐、皱、碗、酸、撑、柜 3 侣、娱、盒、豫、趟、诵、零、编、某 5 洛、榆、畔、帐 6 魂、缕、幽...

请问二年级问题两点水偏旁的字多与什么有关同冰有关,两点水部首古时叫仌部 仌 bīng 部首:人,部外:2,总:4 五笔86&98:WWU 仓颉:XOO 郑码:ODOD 笔顺编号:3434 四角号码:80800 UniCode:CJK 统一汉字 U+4ECC 基本字义 ● 仌 bīng...

求大一英语自我介绍Hello everyone,my name is Ⅴ。I am glad to show myself,here、i am honourable to be a collegiate student。I have no other interest except study,i almost never pl...

求一篇大一英语自我介绍中间要加点我的兴趣如电子竞技Good morning ladies and gentlemen,I'm LiMing from Beijing.It's my pleasure to be here in front of you to introduce myself.I'm a freshman and I Just enter the un...


大一新生英语自我介绍I am XXX, (如果需要,加上 and my English name is XX). I was born in 19XX, from XX. I am very excited to join XX University this year, and I am interested in XX (科目,...

大学新生英语自我介绍Hi,evryone. My name is xx and i'm from yy.I'm glad that i will spend my next four years here, and i hope that i can be friends with all of you. My hobby is xx a...
