[有关读书的演讲稿](1) 众所周知,书是人类的灵魂,书是人类智慧的结晶,书是人类知识的宝库。在书中,我们可以读李白的潇洒飘逸,读苏轼的洒脱豪放,悟鲁迅的冷峻深邃,悟冰心的意切情长。历经苦难的高尔基...+阅读
Live with thankfulness Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon, boys and girls. Good afternoon, everybody. I 'm glad to make a speech here. As we all know, tomorrow is Teachers' day. Many people say that teachers are not unusual at all. That's true. But I want to say though teachers are common, their job is unusual. What they do is very very great. I am an English teacher. So I'll make an English speech here. And my topic is “Live with thankfulness”. Do you know what “thankfulness” means in Chinese? It means “gan'en”. We know that in the world, we are not living alone. From the day we were born, there have been many people around us. They take care of us. They help us. They teach us. They play with us and grow up together with us. They support us. They understand us. The most important is: they love us. Who are they? Can you give me your answer? Yes, they are our parents, grandparents or family members; they may be your classmates, your friends even your neighbors. They are all important to us. We can't live without them. We should thank them. We should thank the great world. Because it gives us sunlight, air, water and everything we need to keep us alive healthily. We can't live without them. We should thank our parents. They are the people who gave us the life. They look after us carefully and give all their love to us. I believe if necessary, they are willing to give everything to us. They stay with us, all the time. We should thank our teachers. It is they who teach us knowledge unselfishly. They let us know how to write, how to read, how to get on with others and so on. They are our guide in our life. We should thank our friends, our classmates. They are our partners. They understand us. They encourage us. They play with us. They grow up together with us. They make our life more colorful. My dear boys and girls, Teachers' Day is coming. It's a celebrating time. It's also a thankful time. Let's take actions together. Show our thanks to the world, learn to protect it. Show our thanks to our parents, learn to look after them. Show our thanks to our teachers, learn how to respect them. Show our thanks to our classmates, learn to help and share with them. Boys and girls, are you ready? Live with thankfulness, from now on. Let's go! So much for my talk .Thanks very much!(虽然不是原稿,但是我一片心意)(意思:生活在感恩 先生们,女士们下午好。
下午好,男孩和女孩。下午好,同学们。我很高兴在这里演讲! 我们都知道,明天是教师节。许多人说,老师是不同寻常的。这是真的。但我想说的是教师是普遍的,他们的工作是很不寻常的。他们所做的事情是非常巨大的。我是一名英语教师。所以我要做一个英语在这里为大家演讲。和我的题目是“生活在感恩的心”。你知道什么是“感恩的心”的意思吗)
以读书为主题的演讲稿读书的乐趣 读书,对我来说是一种享受,我想这种享受不是每个人都能体会的到。能享受到读书的乐趣依我看来也需要缘分。缘深,似乎成了书呆子,愚不可及;缘浅,开卷无益,掷书而茫然。 我...
哪里有欢迎新团员入团仪式的演讲稿?敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 非常荣幸今天能够代表老团员在此发言,首先我要向新团员加入光荣的中国共产主义青年团表示祝贺。 作为一名入团已有5年的共青团员,今天在团旗下...
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祖国在我心中有没有短的演讲稿敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好!我要演讲一篇《祖国在我心中》的演讲稿。祖国成立以来,已有五千年的历史文明。 中国是世界文明古国之一。云南北部的元莫猿人化石证明早在17...
关于祖国在我心中演讲稿同学们好: 今天我向大家演讲的题目是“祖国在我心中”。 我国是一个历史悠久、历经沧桑的文明古国。我国虽然历史悠久,但是在大家的心中有一段忘不掉的经历。抗日战争、虎门销...
祖国在我心中的演讲稿50左右的祖国在我心中演讲稿! 为什么人们总是把祖国比作母亲?”因为只有“母亲”这个词才能表达我们对祖国最忠诚、最纯洁、最真挚、最深厚、最伟大的感情。 是啊,当祖国贫穷的时候,她的...
quot祖国在我心中 quot演讲稿谁有生我育我的祖国,是一个拥有五千年光辉历史和灿烂文化举世闻名的古国。有鲜艳的五星红旗,有气势磅礴的《中华人民共和国国歌》,有960万平方千米的茫茫大地,有五十六个民族,有一个...
求关于教师的英语演讲Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, it's a great honor to speak here: I am an English teacher. People often say: Teacher is the engineer of human spirit. Last...