[疯狂动物城200字观后感英文]zootopia was phenomenal!when this movie was first announced,i was so skeptical,even up to the point of being at the theatre today.but it was incredible and ,yes...+阅读
Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007)
I don't know why people has rated this animation such low. By the way to my own opinion this is a great animation. I am giving 10/10 against all other votes to take this one least 0.01 up. The things I see in this animation,
Chipmunk's actions, so cute, so impressionable. The characteristic of each of the chipmunks has been created very carefully, and it is consistence through out the film. The story shows us the real business world behind the music world. The movie is very sensitive. This is a very good animation effort. Please study this film and take your own decision.
求电影美丽人生英文观后感I am surprised about the negative comments that some people made on this web-page. I can see how some people might not experience the same kind of uplift or joy...
海底总动员英文观后感============ Finding Nemo ============ Hilarious, exciting and endlessly inventive, Finding Nemo is an awesome aquatic animation which will exhaust the adjectiv...
呼啸山庄英文版观后感The novel is told in the form of an extended flashback. After a visit to his strange landlord, a newcomer to the area desires to know the history of the family-...
美丽心灵英文的观后感Growe as he was a student from the young and run to the trembling of his life doesn't belong to the man of character, the heart of aloof and by the struggle to...
美丽心灵英文观后感60字Beautiful Mind A Beautiful Mind is a touching, emotionally charged film detailing the life of a brilliant academic who suffers from schizophrenia. This afflicti...
冰河世纪英文观后感冰河时代5观后感 今天,我想看动画片《冰河世纪》。写完作业,我鼓起勇气对妈妈说:“我可以看动画片吗?”“可以”妈妈回答到。我高兴地一蹦三尺高,就像笼子里关了好久的小鸟,突然飞...
冰河世纪4英文观后感"Ice" the set begins with a bird veteran "Cock wire" squirrel Scrat caused by the mainland split, then began a mammoth Manny, saber-toothed tiger Diego, sloth Sid i...
冰河世界观后感英文面对困难,镇定自若;危险来临时,毫不惧色,这就是《冰河世界》里的主人公——毛象和他的朋友们。这部电影有喜有悲,时而令人捧腹大笑,时而令人禁不住为毛象捏了把汗。 电影主要讲了...
冰河时期英文观后感是冰河时代吧,手打的 a Friendship can last forever Talking about friendship,we can always think about the impressing TV show "Friends",the true friendship between P...