[当幸福来敲门电影当幸福来敲门观后感][当幸福来敲门 ——电影《当幸福来敲门》观后感] 为了生活我们付出很多, 生活也曾给与许多收获, 生活是曾经的波澜壮阔, 生活也经历着起起落落, 生活有太多的阴差阳错, 生活等我...+阅读
I am surprised about the negative comments that some people made on this web-page. I can see how some people might not experience the same kind of uplift or joy that most of us lived through when seeing the movie. But that some viewers felt insulted and betrayed because the movie did not depict "reality" as it really was or is, is not fair.
I must concur with my fellow proponents of the movie -- it was a great and very satisfying movie. It provided me with something that everyone in one or another shape or form needs -- Hope. The movie showed the cruelty of life and yet managed to shed some light and insight into the beauty of love and life in general.
I urge anyone who has not seen La Vita è bella to go out there and watch it. If we all take with us just little bit of that hope and love that this movie is trying to convey; this world would be a much better place.
Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed or will enjoy the movie as much as I did.
求一篇当幸福来敲门的观后感要求要有几个论点结合到马克思主义《当幸福来敲门》观后感:乐观 + 信念→幸福 “一切都会好起来的”这句话是电影《当幸福来敲门》的主人公克里斯·加 纳在家庭面临困境时对他妻子鼓励打气的话语。 在追求幸福...
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