

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[介绍家庭成员姓名年龄职业外貌特征爱好等英语作文]那你得把你的家庭成员的信息发上来啊,我先编了一个。I have 4 family members in my family, my dad is(你爸爸的年龄) old, my mum is(你妈妈的年龄)old, my dad likes to play...+阅读

As the saying goes, “health is happiness”, people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of health nowadays.And people have various ways to keep healthy.In my point of the view, I consent that doing some exercise every day is the best way to stay healthy.俗话说,“健康是幸福”,如今人们越来越意识到健康的重要性.人们有各种不同的方法来保持健康.在我看来,我赞成每天锻炼是保持健康的最好方法.People should never ignore the effect exercise has on them.First, doing exercise can release our pressure and reduce our annoyance.When we are doing some exercise, we will find that we will not concern more about these unpleased things and be full of spirit and energy.Especially, after doing exercise, we usually find that we will be calmer and have idea to deal with some troubles.Thus, doing exercise is beneficial of our mental health.Second, doing exercise regularly is good for retaining body functions.As the saying goes, “life lies in movement”, doing exercise every day will be conducive to keep our body and mental active and keep us from diseases.Finally, doing exercise is a good way to keep track with others and develop our ability in dealing with interpersonal communication.By touching with others, we can understand ourselves better.人们不应忽视运动对他们的影响.首先,锻炼能释放压力,减少烦恼.当我们在做运动的时候,我们会发现我们不会去关注那些不愉快的事情,而是精神饱满.特别是在运动后,我们会发现,我们会更平静更有心思去处理一些麻烦.所以,锻炼有益于心理健康.第二,定期做运动可以保持身体功能良好.俗话说,“生命在于运动”,每天做运动有助于保持身体和心理处于健康,远离疾病.最后,运动是与他人保持联系,培养处理人际关系能力的一个好方法.通过触摸别人,我们可以更好地了解自己.Therefore, I am in favor of that doing exercise is the best way to stay healthy in that we can get a lot of benefits from doing exercise in many aspects.因此,我非常赞成运动是保持健康的最好方法,因为我们可以通过锻炼从多方面获得好处.2 It is true that nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of health.However, different people have different ways to keep healthy.For instance, some people exercise every day to chase or keep a good body shape; others try to keep a balanced diet.In my point of view, i think the best way to stay healthy is the combination of proper physical exercise and a balanced diet.The reasons can be listed as follows.现在人们变得越来越注重健康的重要性,这是不争的事实.然而,不同的人有不同的方法保持健康.例如,有些人每天运动,追求护着保持姣好的身形;其他人就会保持饮食均衡.在我看来,我认为保持健康的最好方法是结合适当的体育运动和均衡的饮食习惯.原因如下.For one thing, physical exercise not only builds a person's body, but also helps to reduce his or her unnecessary fat.Indeed, this is very important since the redundancy of fat has been medically proved to be a cause of various disease, some of which are even fatal, like diabetes or hyperglycemia.第一,体育运动不仅能够健硕身体,同时也能帮助人们减去不必要的脂肪.的确,这非常重要,因为医学证明肥胖能够导致很多疾病,有些是致命的,像糖尿病或者高血脂.For another, a balanced diet can provide a person with the right kind and amount of nutrition which is required for the operation of our organs.As we know, a multitude of elements are effective in keeping our body running properly and a deficiency in any of them will result in some unpredictable disease, but a balance diet may prevent this from happening.第二,饮食均衡能够提供人体必需的营养成分,这能保证人体器官的正常运作.我们都知道,人体正常运作需要多种元素起作用,如果缺失它们,可能会导致不可预测的疾病,但是饮食均衡能够防止这类事情发生.It goes without saying that the best way to stay healthy is taking proper physical exercise plus living on a balanced diet.In a word, both physical exercise and proper diet are essential to health.理所当然的,保持健康的方法就是适当地进行体育运动加上饮食均衡.总而言之,体育运动和健康饮食对健康非常重要.3 I think healthy living habits are very important for usIn current society, people have known the importance of keeping healthy and good life habit.在当今社会, 人们已经知道养成健康良好生活习惯的重要性 First, we should eat plenty of fruits and meat or vegetables.We shouldn't eat too many snack foods.首先, 我们应该吃大量的水果,肉或蔬菜.我们不应当吃太多的快餐 Second, we should drink plenty of water.第二, 我们应该饮用大量的水 Third, I think more meat and fish, less exercise are bad for health.Good rest, less meat and fish, more vegetables and ...


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