

01月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[给我几个简单的英文食谱]晕吧`人家要的是食谱,给你一个西红柿炒蛋的 西红柿炒鸡蛋中英文菜谱配料: 植物油,盐。注意,西红柿炒鸡蛋不用放鸡精或者味精,因为西红柿炒鸡蛋是吃一个“鲜”字,而西红柿炒鸡蛋的...+阅读

稍微锅贴猪肉 似乎是煎饺 成份: 500克( 1.1磅)小麦面粉 250克( 0.55磅)碎猪肉 5克( 5 / 6茶匙)盐 5克( 1小勺)糖 5克( 1 1 / 4茶匙)味精 10克( 1 1 / 2小勺)酱油 15克( 1大勺)料酒 5克( 1 / 6盎司)精细削减大葱 5克( 1 / 6盎司)切碎生姜 150克( 12大勺)食用油 方向: 1 。混合剁碎的猪肉以及盐,糖,味精,酱油,料酒,大葱,生姜。购买50克( 3大勺)水和一个方向搅拌至您感受弹性。

2 。混合面粉200克( 2 / 5杯)的开水,使面团纳入长期和圆形和减少至40件。新闻和滚动到包装每个约六厘米( 2.4英寸)的直径。放在灌装,折叠和包装成新月形状。 3 。把食用油到煎锅,热,当石油约135-200 ℃ ( 275-390 ℉ ) ,把原料饺子英寸热一分钟,撒上100克( 6大勺)水和提出的泛封面。使用强火加热5分钟。当水消失,饺子已经准备就绪。

(这可能需要几个重复做饭的所有40个饺子,因为规模的潘。 ) 特写:美丽的审视和美味的食物。 口味:咸和美味。Slightly Fried Dumpling with Pork 似乎是煎饺 Ingredients: 500 grams (1.1 lb) wheat flour 250 grams (0.55 lb) minced pork 5 grams (5/6 tsp) salt 5 grams (1 tsp) sugar 5 grams (1 1/4 tsp) MSG 10 grams (1 1/2 tsp) soy sauce 15 grams (1 tbsp) cooking wine 5 grams (1/6 oz) finely cut scallions 5 grams (1/6 oz) chopped ginger 150 grams (12 tbsp) cooking oil Directions: 1. Mix the minced pork well with the salt, sugar, MSG, soy sauce, cooking wine, scallions and ginger. Add 50 g (3 tbsp) of water and stir in one direction till you feel the sense of elasticity. 2. Mix the flour with 200 g (2/5 cup) of boiling water, make the dough into long and round shape and reduce to 40 pieces. Press and roll into wrappings each about 6 centimeters (2.4 inches) in diameter. Put in the filling, fold and wrap into crescent shapes. 3. Put the cooking oil into the frying pan, heat and when the oil is about 135-200ºC (275-390ºF), place the raw dumplings in. Heat for one minute, sprinkle 100 g (6 tbsp) of water and put on the pan cover. Use strong fire to heat five minutes. When the water disappears, the dumplings are ready. (It may take several repetitions to cook all the 40 dumplings because of the size of the pan.) Features: Beautiful to look at and delicious to eat. Taste: Salty and tasty.英文版的


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