

04月04日 编辑 39baobao.com


After all i drifted ashoreThrough the streams of oceansWhispers wasted in the sandAs we were dancing in the blueI was synchronized with youBut now the sound of love is out of tuneWhatever I feel for youYou only seem to care about youIs there any chance you could see me tooI Love You-WoodkidWhere the light shivers off shoreThrough the tides of oceansWe are shining in the rising sunAs we are floating in the blueI am softly watching youOh boy your eyes betray what burns inside youWhatever I feel for youYou only seem to care about youIs there any chance you could see me too?'Cos I love youIs there anything I could doJust to get some attention from youIn the waves I've lost every trace of youOh where are you?'Cos I love youIs there anything I could doJust to get some attention from you?Whatever I feel for youYou only seem to care about youIs there any chance you could see me too?'Cos I love youIs there anything I could doJust to get some attention from youIn the waves I've lost every trace of youOh where are you?In the waves I've lost every trace of youOh where are you


Listen to the song here in my heart

A melody I start but can't complete

Listen to the sound from deep within

It's only beginning to find release

Oh, the time has come for my dreams to be heard

They will not be pushed aside and turned

Into your own all 'cause you won't


Listen, I am alone at a crossroads

I'm not at home in my own home

And I've tried and tried to say what's on mind

You should have known

Oh, now I'm done believing you

You don't know what I'm feeling

I'm more than what you made of me

I followed the voice you gave to me

But now I've gotta find my own

You should have listened, there is someone here inside

Someone I thought had died so long ago

Oh, I'm screaming out and my dreams'll be heard

They will not be pushed aside on words

Into your own all 'cause you won't


Listen, I am alone at a crossroads

I'm not at home in my own home

And I've tried and tried to say what's on mind

You should have known

Oh, now I'm done believing you

You don't know what I'm feeling

I'm more than what you made of me

I followed the voice you gave to me

But now I've gotta find my own

I don't know where I belong

But I'll be moving on

If you don't, if you won't

Listen to the song here in my heart

A melody I start but I will complete

Oh, now I'm done believing you

You don't know what I'm feeling

I'm more than what you made of me

I followed the voice you think you gave to me

But now I've gotta find my own, my own





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