

02月24日 编辑 39baobao.com





1. Let's start now./Let's begin our class/lesson. 我们开始上课吧。

2. Sit down, please. 请坐下。

3. Who's on duty today? 今天谁值日?

4. Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗?

5. Don't be late next time.下次别迟到。

6. Go back to your seat, please. 请回到你的座位。

7. Ready? /Are you ready?准备好了吗?

8. Listen carefully, please.请听仔细了。

9. Listen to the tape recorder/the recording.请听录音。

10. In pairs, please.两人一组进行练习。

11.Let's do it one by one.我们一个一个地做。

12. Now you, please./It's your turn now.现在该你了。

13. Think it over and try again.仔细想想,再试一次。

14. Say/ Read after me, please.请跟着我说/读。

15. In English,please.请用英语回答。

16. Please take out your books.请把你们的书拿出来。

17. Please answer my question(s).请回答我的问题。

18. Please stop now./Stop now, please./Stop here,please.请停下来。

19. Stop talking./Stop talking now,please.请不要讲话了。

20. Time is up.下课时间到了。


对不起,我迟到了,请问我可以进来吗? :

Im sorry that Im late, may I come in?

人数全齐 (每个人都到了):

All attended. (Everyone is here)


Everybody is here but Liming

Liming is absent.

有急事要离开 (一会):

sorry I've got something urgent, I have to leave (for a while)


sorry, I dont really know how to pronounce/read this word/sentence.

等等 : ............ and so on.


要说 Excuse me

如果别的同学打喷嚏然后说了 Excuse me

你要回答他/她 Bless you


希望能帮到你,不懂的再来问我! ^ _ ^


All right!that was the bell,Let's get going.好,上课铃响了,我们开始上课. First,I will civer a few basics,and then we'll do a quickie lesson首先我会讲解一些基础知识,接下来很快进入课程内容 It's time to begin开始上课 Open your books and open your minds打开你们的书和开动脑筋 If you follow along,you can figure out what is most important and what is less important跟上进度,你才会知道哪里重要,哪里不重要 (Remember last class?)This activity is a follow-up(记得上一堂课吗?)今天就是要接着上一次的内容 Read the passage in lesson请看第一课的文章 Answer the questions in activity 1.回答第一项练习的问题 Fill in the blanks on page请填写第一页空格 Mark true or false for exercise第一个练习请选择对或错 Come up to the front请到前面来 Draw a picture on the board to explain the word请在黑板上画一幅图来解释词义 Write that on the whiteboard/blackboard请把它写在白板/黑板上 Read/say it with more energy念的时候要有精神 Say it louder大声一点 Say it faster/slower说得快一点/慢一点 You need to know this这你一定要知道 Those sentence patterns are examples of this grammar point那些句型是这个语法重点的范例 Let's start the next lesson/chapter/unit让我们进入下一课/下一章/下一个单元 Open your book to page 100请把书翻到第100页 It is time for a quick review of your book before our daily quiz在随堂抽考前,现在先迅速地复习一下课文 The emphasis is on the beginning of the word重音放在字首 The tone drops语调往下降 Read silently.We will read together next先默读,等一下我们再一起读 Write the answer down in your notebook把答案写在笔记本上 I need an answer to my question 告诉我这个题目的答案 Repeat after me请跟我念 Use this word in a sentence用这个单词造句 Now we will do a pair review activity现在我们要做分组的复习 This is a conversation activity for pairs of students现在要做的是分组对话练习 Prepare a dialog on the following topic请准备下面这个主题的对话 Write your dialog on paper将对话内容写在纸上 Come up to the front to present your dialog请到前面来发表你的会话内容 Find information on the Internet通过网络找相关资料 The test will be tomorrow/next week/next class下一次开始时间是明天/下星期/下一堂课 The test will cover everything in Unit1考试范围包含第一单元所有内容 The test covers the material in the book本书内容会出现在考试里 I write test questions that cover the most important parts of the chapter我出的题目会包含这一章节最重要的部分


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