
幼儿园大班英文综合活动教案:caterpillar butterfly

09月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[大班家长会发言稿3]大班家长会发言稿 尊敬的各位家长: 大家晚上好,每学期的家长会又见面了,很感谢各位家长在百忙中抽空来参加我班的家长会,首先衷心地感谢你们一直以来对我们工作的理解和支持,这...+阅读

Le on Plan

Teaching content:

Words: caterpillar ladybug

Sentences: Caterpillar is to be butterfly.

Teaching aim:

(1) Help the kids learn the new words and sentence.

(2) Help the kids review:

Words: Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday、Sunday、a le、pear、banana、strawberry、orange、cake、biscuit、hamburger、ice-cream、peach、watermelon、fat、thin、hungry

Chant: 《Season Chant》《A Week》

Song: 《Morning Song》

Teaching aids:

(1) Picture cards: caterpillar、ladybug 、a le、pear、banana、strawberry、orange、cake、biscuit、hamburger、ice-cream、peach、watermelon

(2) Real object: toy butterfly、yellow board、cotton.

Teaching procedure:

1、 Greeting: Say hello to all the guest teachers and make the roll-call .

2、 Warm up : (1) Song 《Morning Song》

(2)Game 《Simon Says》

3、 Presentation

(1) Talk about the weather、days and the season (Review the chant),tell the kids that there will be lots of i ects in ring and summer with the warmer and warmer weather, such as ants 、 iders and so on. Guide the kids to find the i ects in the gra .

Show and teach them the words: caterpillar and ladybug.

Practice the words: whole cla —part—individual Game of the two new words:

Listening game《Find your friends》

eaking game《London Bridge is Falling Down》

(2) Caterpillar makes friends with the ladybug, they he a good time together(play some games). After a while, caterpillar feels a little hungry, he starts to eat: an a le、a pear、a banana、a strawberry、an orange、a cake、a biscuit、a hamburger、an ice-cream、a peach and a watermelon. Now the caterpillar bee a fat one, not a tiny one any more. The caterpillar feels sleepy , so he build a small house and go to sleep.

(3) Tell the kids that if they can count the 7 days a week for two times, they will find the magic change of the caterpillar. (Review the days of a week).Show them the butterfly and teach them the new sentence with TPR.

4、 Review

Today we know two new friends and we he a good time together, now it’s time to say goodbye


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