

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[最地道的幼儿英语对话]1. She is my sweetheart(sweetie,honey).她是我的宝贝。2. Mom, hold me.妈妈,抱抱。3. Let go.放开我。(有些小孩子也是很有脾气,你要抱她,她不给你抱,她就会说 Let go! 。这...+阅读

大夫: 请进。你哪里不舒服? Doctor: Please come in. What seems to be the trouble? 病人:肚子不舒服。我想可能是昨晚吃得太多了。 Patient: I am not feeling well,It's may be my stomach. I think probably I had too much at supper yesterday evening. 大夫:你昨晚吃了些什么,能告诉我吗? Doctor: Can you tell me what you had for supper yesterday evening? 病人:海鲜,烤鸭。种类很多,有的我叫不出名儿。

Patient: Seafood, roastduck. Oh, a great variety of things, I can't name them exactly. 大夫:你呕吐过没有? Doctor: Have you vomitted? 病人:呕吐过。昨晚吐了三次,还上了好几趟厕所。 Patient: Yes, I have vomitted three times and made several trips to the bathroom last night. 大夫:我明白了。你得做一个大便检查。我给你开一张化验单。你带着化验单到化验室去。检查完后,请把化验报告给我送过来。

Doctor: I see. Now you have to get your stools tested. I'll write out a slip and you can take it to the laboratory. Wait for a while and pick up the report, and then bring it back to me. 病人:好吧。待会儿见,大夫。 Patient: All right, doctor. I'll see you later. 大夫:待会儿见。 Doctor: See you later. 病人:大夫,这是我的化验报告。 Patient: Here's my report, Doctor. 大夫:请坐。让我看看。没什么大问题。

只是你吃了过多的油腻食物,导致消化不良。我给你开点药。吃了这些药你会感觉好多了。接下来的几天,你的饮食要尽量清淡一点。 Doctor: Take your seat, and let me have a look. It's nothing serious, only indigestion due to too much oily food. I will prescribe you some medicine for it to make you feel better. I do advise you to avoid oily food for the next few days. 病人:我会照你说的去做。

谢谢您,大夫。 Patient: I will follow your advice. Thanks a lot. 大夫:不客气。 Doctor: You are welcome.



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