
I Want To Fly英文儿歌的歌词

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[词语辨析 puzzle confuse perplex confound bewilder英文解释]一、先把每个词的意思都解释一下。 1、puzzle vt.使迷惑,使难解 vt.& vi.为难,伤脑筋 n.智力测验,智力玩具;难题;令人费解的事[人];谜一般的事物 举例: His letter poses a number...+阅读

party people around me

but i just could not fit in

sitting in the corner

drinking cola

pretending it's a black vodka

lenny came to take me away

surely everyone was OK

lenny came to take me away

surely everyone was OK

i talked to myself

i pinched myself

i wrote ten songs to entertain myself

my friends were dancing with their new friends

while i was jamming with my imagined band

lenny came to take me away

surely everyone was OK

lenny came to take me away

surely everyone was OK

i walked in the middle of the night

i walked in the middle of the night

i've learnt to fly

now i can fly anytime

i've learnt to fly

now i can fly anytime

lenny came to take me away

surely everyone was OK

lenny came to take me away

surely everyone was OK

lenny came to take me away

surely everyone was OK

well i survived till the end

but can i make it again next weekend

well i survived till the end

but can i make it again next weekend


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