

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com


SOMETIME WHEN WE TOUCHYou ask me if I love you and I choke on my replyI'd rather hurt you honestlythan mislead you with a lieAnd who am I to judge youon what you say or do?I'm only just beginning to see the real you.And sometimes when we touchthe honesty's too muchAnd I have to close my eyes and hideI wanna hold you till I dietill we both break down and cryI wanna hold you till the fear in me subsidesRomance and all its strategyleaves me battling with my prideBut through the insecuritysome tenderness survivesI'm just another writer still trapped within my truthsA hesitant prizefighter still trapped within my youthAnd sometimes when we touchthe honesty's too muchAnd I have to close my eyes and hideI wanna hold you till I dietill we both break down and cryI wanna hold you till the fear in me subsidesAt times I'd like to break youand drive you to your kneesAt times I'd like to break through and hold you endlesslyAt times I understand youand I know how hard you've triedI've watched while love commands youand I've watched love pass you byAt times I think we're driftersstill searching for a friendA brother or a sisterBut then the passion flares againAnd sometimes when we touchthe honesty's too muchAnd I have to close my eyes and hideI wanna hold you till I dietill we both break down and cryI wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides.....


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