

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com


(1)She said she (A )here the next month.

A.will come B.would come C.is coming D. came

( ) (2)He will ( D )speak English next year.

A.can B.able C.able to D.be able to

( ) (3)I have never seen (C )before.

A.so a film B.so a nice film C.such a nice film D such nice a film

( )(4)It`s time for class. Let`s stop (A ).

A.talking B.to talk C.to talking D.talks

二.用such,such a/an.so填空

(1)That`ll be ( such an )important match that you can`t miss it.

(2)The man is( so )strong that he can pull the car 100 metres away.

(3)I`ve never read ( such )interesting books before.

(4)He has ( so ) little milk.


(1)It`s time to have__ (have)breakfast.

(2)We should practise speaking __(speak)English every day.

(3)There are twelve runners in your group .Don`t come in_twelfth_( twelve ).??这个没搞懂

(4)It`s time for class. Stop__tallking__(talk )and _listen___(listen)to me.


Model:"The game is exciting.,"said the teacher.

The teacher said the game was exciting.

(1)"I am very happy to see you,"Mr.Smith said.

Mr.Smith said he was very happy to see you.

(2)"I can answer the question,"said the boy.

The boy said he could answer the question.

(3)"I will visit the Great Wall,"the girl said.

the girl said she will visit the Great Wall.

(4)"I don`t know where the factory is,"said the man.

The man said he didn't know where the factory was.



It`s time to ___have__ __supper____.


Would you __like__some_bread___?



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