

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com


Dear fellow students,

There is a serious phenomenon in our school. Many students like to eat snacks very much. We can see that there are so many students that bussinessman can't wait to sell something. In the school, we find that there are a lot of rubbish about snacks on the playground and so on. Eating too much snacks is bad for us. It will not only waste our money from parents, but also attack our school environment. We should understand that we must protect environment. Believe it or not , we should stop to eat snacks in the school. Otherwise, teachers will phone to your parents. We should protect environment. If you want to eat something, I suggest you eat some fruit.

Do you think so? We will be beter。


英语所有格是什么英语中,有些名词可以加'S来表示所有关系,带这种词尾的名词形式称为该名词的所有格。例如:a teacher's book。下面我们来看一下名词所有格的构成及用法。 1 名词所有格的构成...

关于英语名词所有格的!1. C:a friend of Sally mother's=a friend of Sally mother's friends 应该是a friend of Sally's mother's才对呀。Sally的妈妈的朋友之一 2. C my uncle's=my uncle's ho...

蓝牙专业英语翻译通常在一个自发形成的网络方式. 专案需要网络基础设施,并没有正式的时空局限播放;900活跃奴隶逻辑是用来运输交通运输L2CAP协议的所有用户活跃在微器件. 格局基本保留了两个时...

有哪些年职称英语考试常用词汇呢301.in fashion (=stylish,most modern) 时兴,流行 302.after the fashion (of)依照…… 303.find fault with (=complain about;criticize)找毛病,对……吹毛求疵 304.at fau...

英语四级多少分过425分(含425分) 大学英语四级考试未设置合格线,但425分(含425分)以上可报考六级,所以大家普遍认为合格线为425分。 大学英语四级考试(College English Test Band 4,缩写:CET-4)是由国...


请问哪里有关于日常医学英语的教材啊基础医学英语术语速记(第一册)(第六版统编医学教材医学英语术语同步学习【内容简介】 本书分生物化学、生理学、医学微生物学、医学免疫学四章。每章按教材词汇多少分为2-4节不...

给几个数学基本英语词汇!导数 derivative 极限 limit 无穷大 infinite(a.) infinity(n.) 无穷小 infinitesimal 积分 integral 定积分 definite integral 不定积分 indefinite integral 有理数 rati...

想吃什么东西的英语句子“ would like ”意为“想要”,其语气比用 like 婉转些。具体用法如下: 1. 后面接名词或代词,表示“具体要”某样东西。例如: I'd like two sweaters for my daughters. ( JB II...
