

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[外贸英语函电练习题]Dear Sirs, Thanks for your confirming order about 5000 pcs women style leather bags. We will fulfill this order with best quality and deliver all goods on time....+阅读

I.Formal text: 正式文本 1. Word choice: formal, concise, precise, abstract, technical words 用正式术语 2. Complex sentences 用复杂句式 3. Coordination and subordination (that, who, which) to link ideas 用并列、主从结构句式 4. Frequent use of linking words 多用连接词 5. Use of 3rd person 用第三人称 6. Passive voice (focus on ideas, not a person) 用被动语态 7. Application of facts rather than opinions 主要用事实说明问题 8. Use of noun forms like “isolation' 多用名词结构 Informal text: 非正式文本 1. Word choice: informal words 多用俗语、俚语等非正式词语 2. Simple sentences 多用简单句 3. Coordination (and, but) to link ideas 多用并列结构,而非主从结构 4. Use of personal pronouns; Use of '1st person' I 多用第一人称 5. Active voice 多用主动语态 6. Application of personal experiences and opinions rather than facts 多用出个人经历和个人观点说明问题 7. Use of phrasal verbs and verb forms like 'I didn't have many friends' 多用动词结构 II.作主语用的集体名词 family,crew,class,school,committee,audience等,作为一个整体看待时,后面的谓语动词须用单数;如就其中一个个成员来考虑时,谓语动词则用复数,如: The family were listening to the radio. His family isn't very large. The crew consists of 20 sailors. The crew are divided as to the best way to cook the fish. The audience were greatly moved at the words. The audience was enormous. III. “Loads of apples have arrived.” 中 have 与 loads 主谓一致; “A substantial portion of apples has been distributes around.” 中 has 与 portion 一致。 注:由“表示种类、数量、单位的名词 + of”修饰名词作主语时其动词往往与表示种类、数量、单位的名词保持一致: There is a kind of roses in the garden. There are many kinds of apples. In the last three years 5 million square metres of housing have been built in the city. Three million tons of coal were exported last year. Two pieces of cake were divided among the children.


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