

12月21日 编辑 39baobao.com


'添加一个名为label1的标签控件,并将其index设为0;再添加一个名为command1的按钮控件 Dim a(1 To 9) As Boolean Dim win As Boolean, begin As Boolean, haveload As Boolean, start As Boolean Private Sub Command1_Click() start = True: begin = False For i = 1 To 9 a(i) = False Next i Form_Load End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() a(9) = True Label1(0).Visible = False Me.Height = 4400 Me.Width = 4000 Scale (0, 0)-(3, 3.3) If haveload = False Then haveload = True: start = True Command1.Top = 3: Command1.Left = 2 Command1.Width = 1: Command1.Height = 0.3 Command1.Caption = "开始" For i = 1 To 9 Load Label1(i) Next i End If For i = 1 To 9 Label1(i).Height = 1 Label1(i).Width = 1 Label1(i).Visible = True Label1(i).Top = (i - 1) \ 3 Label1(i).Left = (i - 1) Mod 3 Label1(i).Caption = Str(i) Label1(i).BackColor = QBColor(i) Label1(i).FontBold = True Label1(i).FontSize = 40 Next i Label1(9).Caption = "": Label1(9).BackColor = vbWhite Randomize For i = 1 To 500 r% = Int(9 * Rnd) + 1 Call Label1_Click(r) Next i begin = True End Sub Private Sub Label1_Click(index As Integer) Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer If start = True Then If a(index) = False Then x1 = (index - 1) Mod 3: y1 = (index - 1) \ 3 If x1 - 1 >-0.2 Then If a(x1 + y1 * 3) = True Then Call yidong(x1 + y1 * 3, index) End If If x1 + 1-0.2 Then If a(x1 + 1 + (y1 - 1) * 3) = True Then Call yidong(x1 + (y1 - 1) * 3 + 1, index) End If If y1 + 1





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