

12月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小时候看过一个外国动画片一个人耳朵会煽动就飞上天了谁知道是]那是人吗 《小飞象》? 故事简介 丹波是马戏团的一头小象,因为长着一双蓝来眼睛和一对超大号的耳朵而成为大家嘲笑的对象。要在马戏团里立住脚,必须会一手绝活才源行,可是丹波什...+阅读

One day a farmer's donkey, not accidentally fell into a dry hole, the farmers racked their brains to think of ways to rescue a donkey, but a few hours passed, and donkeys are still the well, crying with pain. Finally, the farmer decided to give up, he thought that the first donkey older, not worth the trouble to rescue it, but in any case, it wells still have to fill up. So they invited the neighbors to help with the farmer will be buried wells donkey to relieve its suffering. Farmer's neighbors staffing a shovel and began to shovel into the dry hole in the soil. When this first learned of their situation and when the donkey just began to cry very miserable. But the surprise is that after a while that the first donkey to quiet down. Farmer Tan Touwang curious to see a bottom, there in front of the scene that he was surprised: When the shovel into the soil wells donkey fell back, the donkey ─ ─ amazing the response that it would shake off the soil to one side, and then stand above the shovel into the soil stack! In this way, you ass will be uprooting the soil on it all shake off the bottom, and then stand up. Very quickly, only donkeys will be proud of on the ground to rise to well-head, and then surprised everyone ran away expression in the trot way!


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