

12月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语中的物质名词有哪些]名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词(Common Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如:Beijing, China等.普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:boo...+阅读

A: Hey , guys , it has been such a long time since last time saw you both, you've changed a lot. How was your life?

B:Well, glad to meet you guys again. My life's just that, nothin special.

C: Neither did I . By the way ,but what did you do,B?

B: I am a doctor, you know saving people things.

C: Really? I save people too . But mentally actually, I'm a psychotherapist(心理治疗师)

A:What a coincidence! I work in a Drug Rehabilitation Center, I help people to quit drugs.

C: Seriously? That sounds interesting. To be honestly , I have been to a Drug Rehabilitation Center when I was addicted to drugs. That was the most horribe time in my whole life. I nearly give it up and

give myself away. But my mom sent me to Drug Rehabilitation Center and sort of hard to quit somehow, but I finally did it. So when I got out and then I set my minds to become a psychotherapist. I wanted to help people to remedy their mentally problems.

A:That sounds quite touch, C. And I had a hard time, too. One day after work I had a serious accident on my way home. I crashed a car. And then I blacked out and when I woke up found it that it has been nearly two weeks since I was sent to the hospital. Thanks to my wife who accompanied me day and night and did a really good take care of me. After 2 months i came out of hospital and recoveied quite well.

B: It seems our jobs are related to each other in some way , huh? C had a hard time in Drug Rehabilitation Center where A worked. And A also had a hard time in hospital where I worked. It is unbelivable and ..(B's phone's ringing). Sorry , Will you excuse me?


after a few seconds

B: Sorry , guys. It was a emergency and I have to go. And you know what? Maybe we should take a time to get togerther and have a nice chat some day?

A & C: Your right, we should do that.

B:Wonderful , so see you guys next time, bye.

A & C: Bye


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