
bread sausage milk coffee

10月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[Coffee Shop Kindness]Coffee Shop KindnessMy senior year of high school was an extremely hectic one, to say the least. If I wasn’t studying and worrying about my grades, I was jugg...+阅读

Teaching aims:

1 ew word :bread ausage milk coffee

2 Revisio :little car,milk

3 What day i today ? How are you ? How old are you ?

Teaching aids:

icture ag reorder music

Teaching te :

te 1:Greetings

T:Cla egin,stand up!

S:Stand u !stand u !I tand u !

T:Good morning oy and girl !

S:Good morning Mi Jiang !

T:Sit dow lease !

S:Sit down!sit dow !Isit dow !

te 2 :warm u

T:What day i today ?

S:Today i Monday.

T:How are you ?

S:Fine ,Thank you and you ?

T:I m good !and how old are you ?

S:I m fivesix .(每个问提都分别叫幼儿回答或齐答)

Ste 3 Revision

全班小朋友一起读歌谣little car,milk

Ste 4 Lear ew words

T:I m very hungry.Do you he anything give me to eat ?

S:NO ! O ! O !

T:Rellay ?what that ?(旁边有一个小袋子装了些东西


T:Haa !what thi ? we call it read.S:Bread !

T:Good !(带读,也可叫幼儿起来自己读,每个单词读5遍以上,而且要使幼儿都会认读。然后把图片贴在黑板上,这样一一引出其它3个新的单词:milk coffee ausage .最后一起复习)

Ste 5 lay game

预备的一张画贴在黑板上,一个叫BORBOR的人推着早餐车,让小朋友们帮忙,但是要知道它们的英语怎样说才可以卖完,一个人大喊: Bread,bread,who want to uy a read ?It very deliciou ! 随后全班的幼儿一起问: Bread,bread,在哪里? 然后又叫一名幼儿上来找出所要买的英语卡片大声的说: Bread,bread,在这里! 以同样的方式来卖出其它的早餐,再给予奖励。

Ste 6 ing a ong Teddy ear.


Ste 7 It time to ay goodbye.


咖啡的起源英文版The History of Coffee咖啡的起源英文版The History of CoffeeThe History of Coffee 咖啡起源英文版The history and development of the beverage that we know as coffee is varied and inte...

新概念第一册Lesson47Acupofcoffee一杯咖啡CHRISTINE: Do you like coffee, Ann? ANN: Yes, I do. CHRISTINE: Do you want a cup? ANN: Yes, please, Christine. CHRISTINE: Do you want any sugar? ANN: Yes, pleas...
